What Katy Did

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What Katy did was never allowed on our lips

what Katy did was never allowed in our home

we all knew what Katy did

that she was left there all alone.

When Katy danced on stage

she brought tears to our eyes

she twirled on pink pointe shoes

was the light of our lives.

In Katy's school she was a favourite

a princess with high school fame

we never knew that Katy felt

an avalanche of pain.

When Katy smiled her sweet, sweet way

there were whirlwinds in her eyes

there were volumes of stories to tell

a million truths and lies.

When Katy kissed us all good night

and hurried off to sleep

it never ever passed our thoughts

her depression was so deep.

What Katy did that night last fall

is like a wound we cannot rid

Katy hung herself in her room

that's what Katy did.

**If any of you ever feel suicidal talk to someone, a friend, a teacher, a relative or call a hot-line, please. http://suicidepreventionhotline.org/ http://www.suicide-prevention.org.uk/**

Goblin Garden (My first collection of random poems) PUBLISHED!Where stories live. Discover now