"You're so stupid." I say between laughs.

"So what are you doing here anyway?" he asks after our laughter dies down.

"I have to see a client in about 10 minutes" I say looking at my watch.

"Okay I got to go anyways, enjoy your session and I'll text you later okay?"

"Sure M." He kisses my cheek and we part ways.

I go see my client who was pushed down the stairs by her abusive husband. We talk for a while and before I know it, it's time to head back home.

"Honey I'm home!" I call out as I enter the apartment.

"Hey Hun"

"What you doing?" I ask and sit next to her on the couch.

"Just filling in some reports."

"Guess who I saw today?"


"Mark, when I went to see one of my clients at the hospital."

"Oh? what'd he say?"

"Well we decided on having a movie night Friday."

"Aren't you going to be with Zayn Since It's after Valentine's day and all?"

"No, I doubt it."

"So what are you and Mr. hunk doing for valentine's day?" she asks and wiggles her eyebrows, I sigh which causes her to frown.

"So far, nothing I know of." I say and lean my head back on the couch.

"Well did you two have a fight?"

"No it's just that we're not official yet and he hasn't said anything about it, so I don't really know."

"Yeah but it'll be a douche move on his side if he doesn't do anything with you, even though you're not official yet it's kind of mandatory to do something with the person you're with. I'm not saying he should buy you anything but at least put some effort in making the day a little bit better."

"I agree. I just want to spend the day with him but I feel as though such things aren't really important to him you know?"

"Have you asked him about it?"

"Well no..."

"Then you should before you drive yourself crazy with assumptions."

"Yeah." Cate thinks for a while then smiles at me broadly. That answer shouldn't have made her that happy.

"I have an idea, why don't we go look for something that Mr. Hunk will like for V-day" I look at her weirdly and she continues. "Let's go shopping and then you can buy Mr. hunk something."

"What if I don't see him?"

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there. Now come on!" She pulls me off the couch.

"Woah" I say grabbing my bag while being dragged to the door.

We get to the Mall and everything is already decorated in hearts and flowers. This is going to be long day. We enter almost every store and I still can't find anything for Zayn. Most things are girly. I'm really close to just buying him a huge teddy bear at this point.

That is until I see coffee mugs for him and her and a smile graces my face as an idea comes to mind. I make my way over to the shop assistant as Cate looks around the store.

We spent a little while longer and we buy a few things and head home. After settling in, and talking for a while, we call it a night but I decide to call Zayn before bed since he texted me earlier but I was too busy to answer him. He answers after one ring.

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