Chapter #

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*Arya's Flashback*

"Sing?" Ruben asked incredulously. "Dance?"

"Yes," I said. "Obviously." 

"No,  no, no, no, no," Ruben said. "No."

I sighed."It's just that I've always wanted to live as a singer. Someone who can go onstage and have fun."

"You only want that because of what the psychic said." 

"She was not a psychic. She's an enchantress," I defended her. "Besides, how do you know that I haven't wanted this my whole life. How do you know it isn't one of my dreams?"

He grabbed her hands and stared into her eyes. "Because I love you. I know you. The two of us, we are one. I feel what you feel, you know what I know, I dream what you dream. A musical career is not one of those things. Besides, both of our singing voices sound like a dying mule."

"I would slap you, but you're way too charming," I said and we held each other, looking at the night sky. "And it's the truth."

He laughed. "I told you."

I let out a disappointed sigh. "I just want something interesting to happen." 

"You know, we could still try. I heard that there are auditions in the Map Theater downtown. It's a love story. Something about tragic love," Ruben mentions. 

"Do you really mean it?" I asked. 

"Of course," he said and dragged me downtown to the audition. 

An hour later. 

"This script is terrible!" I exclaimed. Apparently there wasn't a musical up for audition, but there was a play. They had found a rip-off of Romeo and Juliet. Romeo and Juliet was a quite popular play that made Arya cry. This play, however, was terrible. 

"Wait. So you die, then I die?" Ruben asked. 

I stared at the script open mouthed. "I think so." 

"Ruben and Arya!" The  person auditioning yelled from the other room. "How about you act out scene number 56 to the end." 

We walked onto the stage slowly and I read off the script with a monotone voice. "Oh, but I love you." 

Ruben replied with a pained look on his face. "Don't say that. We can't be together." His voice was filled with emotion. He was quite good at acting.

"It does not matter. Our love that burns like the sun will keep us going. We can be together. We can do this." I said, looking at my script. I tried to sound like Ruben did, but I was not succeeding in the least bit. 

"No," he said. "Our families will never allow it. We may love each other, but love does not conquer all. Not like they say." He looked away from me, acting to his full ability. 

"Love does conquer all!" I replied, hurt.  Why is Ruben saying this? Our love is true. I then realize that he's reading off of the script and he isn't actually talking about our relationship. 

"That's not in the script!" The auditioner yelled. 

"Sorry!" I replied and looked back to the script. "Don't do this," I said. "Don't leave me." 

"But I must," he said and walked offstage. I almost followed, but I realized I have more to do onstage.

"My heart hurts." I read. "He is gone, leaving a hole in my fragile, yet delicate, heart. I cannot live without my love. If he will not return to me, then I do not want to live." I reached and grabed a fake knife. I pushed it into my chest and stumbled fakely around stage. 

It's All in the EyesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora