Chapter 9 Captured

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I do the only thing that I can think of doing. I enter his mind. 

'Tobin!' I yell in his mind. 

He looks back at me from his horse then sees the brown soldiers behind me. His eyes widen. Our horses are galloping as fast as they can, but so are the blue soldier's horses. 

'What do we do?' I direct my thought stream towards him. 

'I don't know,' he thinks back. 'I'm gonna take a sharp left soon, I'll warn you. When I do, you go the right. Try to keep the thought stream between us strong and then I'll figure something out by them.'

'What do you mean, figure something out?' 

'NOW!' He screams in my mind and I jerk my horse to the right.

'Are you okay?' I ask Tobin. I can feel the connection growing thinner and thinner. 

He replies almost immediately. 'Yes, but we have a problem.'

'What is it?' I ask. 

'They're going to catch us, we need to let them catch us.'

'Did you see that in a vision?' I ask. 

'Among other things, yes. Now just stop your horse and put your hands up. Half of them went your way, the other half my way.' 

The brown soldiers come riding in, surprised at my surrender. 'They're here.' I think towards Tobin. 

'I'll see you at their compound. Don't eat or drink anything there,' he thinks to me. 

'What?' I ask, the connection fuzzy. 'I can't understand you!' I yell, but he doesn't answer. He must have been taken. Wait, how did the brown soldiers find us? The blue soldiers were the ones to leave the note and demolish Cera. 

That's the last thing I think of before I'm knocked out by the brown soldiers. 

*1 day later* 29 days left to save Rueben 

I wake up, my head pounding with pain. I close my eyes immediately, wishing the pain away. I hear someone else shifting beside me. "Tobin," I say. "Where are we?" I ask. 

"Who is Tobin?" A woman asks. I open my eyes to see that it is in fact not Tobin that is beside me. "And why do you have that funny hat on?" 

I reach up, expecting to touch my hair, but I actually touch metal. "What is going on?" I ask, before all my memories come rushing towards me. "Oh no, where's Tobin?" I ask, afraid of the answer. 

"I don't know where Tobin is, I don't even know who he is," the girl says. 

I ignore her and survey my surroundings. We're in a metal room, with a barred door in the corner. I stand up, ignoring my body's protests. I look through the bars, just to see a hall way that stretches for what looks like miles. There are other iron doors, which I assume are holding other

"Help!" I yell. 

"It's not going to work. I've tried. We've all tried. Just give up now,"the woman says. She has blonde hair that's covering her eyes from view. 

I turn around to look at her. "Don't give up that easily."

The woman laughs, "What's your name, girl?" She asks, even though she looks only a couple years older. 

"Arya," I reply. "Yours?"

"No, I'm not telling you," she says. 

"What do you mean? I told you mine," I say, this whole situation is confusing. 

She stands up, her hair still covering her whole face from view. "That was your first mistake. Don't tell anyone anything about you or your past." 

I stand about three inches taller, yet I only feel three inches tall with the glare she's giving me. I don't like it at all. I try to enter her mind, but suddenly a sharp feeling of pain comes into my own.

"Ahh!" I yell, stumbling back and falling to the ground. More pain fills up my mind. I struggle against it, keeping my eyes closed. 

I can hear the woman get on her knees and she starts to shake me. "Newbie, get up! What are you doing? Newbie!" She yells. 

I thrash around with a feeling like shadows are filling my mind. It's the helmet, I try to take the helmet off, but I can't. 

"The helmet," I gasp. "Help me get the helmet off." I scream again in pain. 

The girl takes hold of the helmet and we try to get it off together, but it doesn't work. 

"You must have a pretty big head!" She exclaims, her voice strained with the effort of taking off the helmet. 

"Stop!" I yell suddenly. The pain starts to fade and I'm back to normal. "I'm fine now, thanks for the effort." I lean against the wall, my body weak from the former pain. I keep my eyes closed, they just don't seem to want to get open.

"What was that about?" She asks.

"I don't know, shouldn't I not tell you anything? First rule, remember?" I ask and half smile. 

"Alright, get over your cocky self. Now what was that about, Newbie?" 

"You know my name, why don't you just say it?" I ask. 

I can hear her sigh. "Because I don't want anyone else here to know it. Now answer me," she commands. 

"I'm a purple eye, remember?" I ask. 

"Yes," she says. 

"Do you know those powers that come along with being a purple eye? Let's just say I tried to use one of them and this helmet, I think, blocks me from doing so," I explain.

I can hear her move to sit beside me. "Wow, I'm sorry for you there, I don't have any powers. I don't want any. This war has been hard on everyone with powers. People have been forced to fight, but I'm sure you knew that already."

"No, I haven't, actually. I've been hiding and on the run for so long that I don't have time to listen to rumors and what's going on," I comment. 

"Wow, that must suck. I guess these brownies, as I call them, will be making you fight for them, aye?" 

I nod my head," Probably." 

"How does that make you feel?" She asks. 

"Look, can I just rest for a while?" I ask. 

"Yeah, just one more thing," she says. "Since you've opened up even a little bit, I'll tell you my name and I'll let you see my eyes." 

With a lot of effort, I open my eyes to look at her. She has blonde hair, I notice again. I look at her eyes, curious as to the color. 

I gasp in shock when I see them. "I know, it's a pretty big shocker." She says. "They used to be green. Oh and by the way, my name is Gemma, it's nice to meet you." 

She smiles, but I still continue to stare at her eyes. Her glazed eyes. 

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