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"NO!!" I yell. It's as if the bullet moved in slow motion. All I can do is watch as it lodged itself into my father's chest. He is the last person I have.

"No," I say, this time weaker.

The shooter looks in my direction. "There she is! The monster! Get her!" He yells pointing at me.

Oh crap, I forgot. I'm supposed to be running. I run and jump out of the window, landing on a roof. I run, jumping from rooftop to rooftop, the man right at my heels. He shoots at me, the sound of each shot making me flinch.

There's only one thing I can do. But, it's risky. I might not be able to change in time. I still have to try though. Instead of jumping over a crack in between buildings, I let myself fall and I run to find people.

I hear a grunt from behind me. The man. He's close. I run up to a woman and touch her shoulder. I concentrate as hard as I can. The woman looks at me in disgust and walks away. The man then comes out from the alleyway.

He screams a loud and angry scream. "Where is she?"

I look down at myself. Good, the change worked. I look just like the woman. I walk away from the man, smiling. I walk into the marketplace of the small village. I smile, until I see the woman. Oh no, the man from before walks behind me. When he sees that there is two of the same person he lunges towards me. I run and touch a dog. Turning into animals is easy, so I barely have to touch it. I morph into the dog and run through the streets, the man and his minions chasing after me.

I let out a bark of glee as I see the coastline and the ocean. I jump into the ocean, searching for a sea animal. Preferably a Lemhutr. One of the fastest sea animals in Greden, the sad excuse for a world I live in.

I find one quickly as I see the man jump into the water after me. I touch the Lemhutr and wave bye with my fin. I swim as fast as I can to the only place I think I can be safe from the people hunting me down. The one place I can be who I am, the only place I don't have to worry about be taken to go to war, the Kalapak Islands. I smile with my sharp and nasty teeth.

I am Arya, no last name. Some people call me, Purple Eyes, Shape Shifter, Mind Reader, Freak. I don't exactly like the last one. I am the most powerful person in all the kingdoms, and the most wanted.

In my world people are sorted by eye color. The blue eyes live in Sapphil, one of the biggest countries in Greden. Brown eyed people live in Brandim, the other biggest country in Geden. The small populations like the grey eyes live in Menengal. The Green eyes live in Esmerelda. Off the coast of Esmerelda is the Kalapak Islands.

The place where the rare colors live. Like red, orange, yellow, white, and black eyed people live. Oh yeah, then there's me. I have purple eyes. As far as I know, I'm the last person with purple eyes.

Each eye color comes with a power, but only certain people are given these powers. Blue eyes come with water, brown eyes come with earth, grey eyes come with air and wind, green eyes come with plants and animals. The more rare the eye color the rarer the power. Red is blood magic. That's some creepy A stuff if you know what I mean. Orange is fire, yellow comes with the ability to fly. White comes with invisibility, and black comes with teleportation.

The best is purple eyes. The chance that someone with purple eyes is going to have a power is 1,000,000,000 to 1. I'm that one. Purple eyes come with the ability to change or morph into anything you touch. Then, the juicy bit, we can control and read minds! That's only if the person doesn't have a block on their mind. If they do, I might be able to break it, but I'm not too strong yet. I don't usually use that power. I feel like it's too much of an invasion of someone's privacy.

The Blue and Brown eyes got into a war a year ago and they're searching for people with powers to come and help their side. It's a war over land. Blue and Brown eyes are so vain, it's annoying.

On the Kalapak Islands, anyone with a rare eye color is safe from being taken to war. It's written up in a treaty that our ancestors made centuries ago, just in case.

I see blurry blobs ahead of me. It's the Islands. I smile and go faster. I'm racing towards home, my new home.



Hey! I hope you like the first chapter!

I came up with all of the ideas in this story. Don't copy anything out of this story, please. I've worked hard and thought a lot about making this story.

Q: What's your eye color? Mine's blue.

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