Chapter 4 Leaving

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I look out towards the horizon. I'm on a small wooden boat that rocks back and forth the the water slowly. There's a beautiful sunset in the distance. An array of purples and blues light the sky.

I feel someone walk up behind me and put their arms around my waist. I'm startled, yet I don't run.

"Boo," I hear a man's voice tenderly say in my ear.

I turn around to see that it's Tobin who has his arms around me. He's smiling a truly brilliant smile.

"What are you doing, Tobin?" I ask him, confused.

I look into his glazed eyes and I see something in them I've never seen before. There's a pain and hurt look in his eyes, under the glaze.

"You have such beautiful eyes," he admires while stroking my cheek.

He leans down and kisses me lightly on the mouth. I'm surprised, yet I don't pull away. After a couple of seconds I start to kiss him back. Our mouths move in perfect unison. He pulls away and looks down at me with adoring eyes.

"What's wrong?" I ask, intimidated by the stare.

He smiles again, "Nothing. That's just the thing, nothing is wrong."

"But-" I say before he shuts me up by kissing me again.

This time I pull back. "We can't do this, Tobin. What about Rueben?" I ask.

He smiles again, but this time it's a cruel and scary smile. "You don't have to worry about him."

"Why?" I ask, suddenly worried.

Tobin leans down towards me. I almost think he's going to kiss me again, but instead he puts his lips right over my ear. I feel his breath on my neck, and a shiver runs down my spine.

"You know how I told you he's in the blue kingdom? I lied. He was looking for you and he almost got to you. It was a couple of weeks ago when you were traveling in the Green Kingdom. I ran into him on my way to find you. He called you 'his'. I didn't like that, you see, because you're mine. So do you know what I did?" He whispers. I shake my head. Suddenly, Tobin has become very intimidating. "I stabbed him in the heart." Tobin moves away from my neck and he smiles cruelly.

His eyes have become red and I'm about to run when suddenly I can't move. Blood Magic. I look down while struggling against his influence.

"Look at me," he whispers softly. I refuse, and he doesn't seem to like that. "Look at me!" He yells.

I refuse and he moves my head forcefully, and what I see is horrifying. He has a bunch of pink scars around his eyes. They look like claw marks. His red eyes stare down at me.

"What happened to you?" I ask him.

"Terrible things," he says. "But what happened to me is nothing like what's going to happen to you."

I scream.

"Arya! Arya! Wake up!" I hear a distance voice yell.

I wake up screaming, with Tobin looking worried at me. We're on a boat, I can tall from the rocking feeling."What, what happened?" I stutter.

"I could ask you the same thing. One minute you're whispering my name and then you're screaming," Tobin says.

My dream comes back to me slowly. "You!" I yell and I scoot away from him on the bed.

"What about me?" Tobin asks. "What's wrong Arya?" He asks worried.

"You! You had red eyes and," he stops me from talking by putting a hand over my mouth.

"Look at me," he says and I have immediate flashbacks to the dream. Nevertheless, I look up at him to see his glazed eyes. I still can't tell what color they used to be, if they ever were a color. "Do I have red eyes?"

I shake my head. He does a small smile. "What you had was just a nightmare."

I let out a breath that I had been holding in. "Okay."

"No problem. Now go back to sleep. If you have the same nightmare, just punch me or something and jump off the side of the boat," he laughs.

I smile and nod. "One more thing, Tobin."

"Yeah?" He asks.

"In my dream, you had a bunch of scar marks around your eyes," I say cautiously. "You were trying to hurt me."

His face falls and he turns away from me, toward the door. "It's just a dream," he says and leaves.

I wipe my sweaty palms on my shirt and I lay back down on the bed. I stare up at the wood ceiling above me, studying it's ridges and scratches. Sooner or later, I fall back asleep.

*Next Day*

We start to see the shoreline of Esmerelda. Tobin and I are leaning against the wooden side of the small ship, looking towards the shore. I can see the shore that I jumped off of just a couple days ago. I point it out to Tobin, but he doesn't seem interested. His face is a shade of green.

"Tobin? Do you get seasick?" I ask him. He's been off the whole time we've been on the boat.

He nods and looks towards me with a 'kill me now' look. "Come on, I'll take you down into the ship. I think that makes people feel better."

He nods approvingly. He leans on me as I walk him down into the ship. I give a small wave to Mendan. He's Keke's friend that she got to take us. We get to the bottom of the ship and I set him down on the small bed that I was on before. I look for a bucket and I set it down at his feet.

We sit in silence for a while and he falls asleep on the bed. A bit of color has returned to his cheeks and I just sit by the bed, thinking. Mendan comes down about an hour later.

"We're about to dock," he says in a thick accent. "Wake up you're friend." He walks away without another word.

I shake Tobin's shoulder saying, "Tobin, wake up. Wake up. Wake up!" I yell. He still doesn't get up. I look at the bucket on the floor and a thought pops into my head. I take the bucket and I fill it up with water from one of the barrels on the boat.

I place Tobin on the floor so I don't get the bed wet. To my surprise, he still doesn't wake up. I pick up the bucket and slowly pour the freezing water onto his face.

"Ahhhhh!" He yells and sits up quickly. I pour the rest onto his head quickly, getting his hair wet. He rubs his eyes quickly, his back to me. A skin colored powder is flowing in the water. I go to the other side of Tobin, looking at his face.

I step back in horror. The scratch marks, they're real. He has them all around his glazed eyes. The powder was used to cover them up.

Tobin sees that his secret is out, so he washes off the rest of the powder. He just looks at me, sadness in his eyes. The scars around his eyes stick out. One part of my nightmare is true. Does that mean that the other part is too?



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I think I'm gonna update once or twice a week.

Q: Do you like Tobin?

Thanks for reading!

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