Chapter 3 Leaving...Almost

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I wake up around two hours before noon, which is when I'm going to meet Tobin. I know that this is a terrible idea, but I have too. I love Ruben and I can't stand the thought that he's in trouble. I barely got to the Kalapak Islands, but somehow they feel like my home, my safe haven.

I grab a knapsack that can fit a surprising amount of supplies. I grab lots of blankets and stuff them in along with clothes and various other things. It's been an hour since I woke up, and I'm nervous about going with Tobin. There are too many questions to be asked about Tobin.

I've never heard of a person with glazed eyes. I've also never heard of anyone with the ability to see the future, and I would know. As a child, I studied constantly, learning as much about Greden as I could.

I grew up in a mansion with my father. I was a part of a wealthy family. My mother had died when I was young, so I didn't know her growing up. I was schooled by my teacher named, Teegan. He was a terrible man, but when I was younger I didn't know.


"Turn to page 394," Teegan said.

I groaned and opened up my book to the page. I was sitting in a musty room doing schoolwork. The sun shone through the window and I wished that I could be outside playing instead of inside. The page read:


"Red eyes?" I asked. I hadn't heard of them before at the time.

Teegan nodded solemnly. "Red eyes are possibly the most dangerous people in all of Greden. They have a type of magic called blood magic."

Suddenly interested in my lesson, I shift in my seat. "What does that mean?" I ask.

"It means that they can control your body and your movements if they want to. They just have to touch your blood, and they have complete control over you. It's a scary power and one that should not be used lightly."

"Why have I never heard of them before?" I ask. "I've been studying eye colors and their powers for years, and yet I don't recall hearing about them."

"About 100 years ago, the reds lived in a land called Frantine. It was a very small piece of island in what is now the brown kingdom. A group of 50 brown eyes raided the red eye's camp. There were five reds with powers and 15 brown eyes with powers. The powerful red eyes hid until they could touch the blood of some of the brown eyes. It was a massacre. All of the brown eyes died and only five of the red eyes did. The only way the red eyes won, was because of that power. After, all of the kingdoms deemed the Reds too dangerous. When they went to attack Frantine, the reds weren't there. They had disappeared. Since then, no one has heard from any Reds."

I processed it all slowly. "Wow," was all I said.

"Yes, 'wow'." He said back. "Read the lesson and do the questions on page 395. That will be all for today."

I nodded and gathered my books together. I left the room and walked to my room to do the work. I could have stayed in that room, but I needed to be alone. Mass murder. At the time I thought that a mass murder was the worst thing that could happen. My opinions have drastically changed since then.


I sit on my bed, thinking of what's happened since that day. That was the day I realised how terrible this world truly is.

I walk out of my hut with my bag and wander upstairs. I'll miss my beach. I walk out of the hotel, carefully avoiding Keke. I mind bend someone to give me an apple for free as I wait for Tobin.

I look up at the sky. It's almost noon, I can tell by the sun.

"I'm here," I hear a voice say from behind me.

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