Chapter 11 Flashbacks?

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I just realized I've been spelling Ruben two different ways. Lol. I'll try to keep it at Ruben from now on. 


"Ruben!" I laughed as he grabbed around my waist and lifted me up. "Let me down!"

He set me down on the ground and pulled me to him, our faces only inches apart. A smile broke out on both of our faces. He leaned in but I twirled away, teasing him. 

"Oh no," he said and chased after me. 

We were in a green meadow surrounded by trees in our own little world. Laughter echoed through the land, the only thing to be heard. 

I had told my father I was going to the market for a while. He never approved of Ruben. I would like to think my mother would have approved of him. 

I stopped running then, Ruben almost slamming into my back from momentum. He slid his hands around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder. 

"Why'd you stop running?" He asked. I could feel his breath on my neck. 

"Because, even if I tried to I wouldn't be able to."

I could almost sense him smile. I turned to look at him and we met eyes. Tension built up between us and I asked one simple yet complex question. 

"Do you know how to sing and dance?

*End on flashback*


Tobin stared at the ground, not looking at the figure before him. 

"Tell me now!" The voice yelled at him from the other side of the room. "Tell me about your people!"

"I don't know what you mean," Tobin said, looking up at the man. The man had a full grown beard and stress lines on his face. "I don't have a people. Not anymore."

The man snorted and sat down at the chair across from Tobin. "No one massacred your people. Your people hide like cowards even to this day. Now tell me where they are hidden and we can part ways as equals."

It was Tobin's turn to snort."Equals. Equality. That's the first time I've heard that word in a while. A word full of so much hope and yet it reaches towards an impossible goal. I will never tell you where my people are hidden. You brown eyes, always expecting to be given whatever you want." 

"You are an idiot for not listening to me. They will sell you, you realize. And you know who to."

"If it is a sacrifice I must make for my people, then so be it. I just have one question. Why not just kill me right here where I sit?"

The bearded man stared at Tobin for a moment before deciding on an answer. "Because death would be much too easy. For a red eye like you." 

*End of Tobin's flashback*

*Arya's flashback*

"Sing?" Ruben asked incredulously. "Dance?"

"Yes," I said. "Obviously." 


Short chapter. 

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