Chapter 10 Reunion ... Of sorts

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I guess I shouldn't call them, 'glazed eyes'. There isn't a visible iris or pupil. It's just a glazed color, I should say. Like a kind of milkiness in the shape of an eye that works as an eye. Gemma's eyes look just like Tobin's. Gemma. She should be dead. Tobin told me that she is dead. 

My eyes widen at the sight of her. 

"Oh my god," I say aloud. 

"I should go to my friend," I stand up and dust myself off nervously. 

Gemma stand up too, not knowing what set me off. "What's their name again?"

I stare at her, realizing that I had yelled Tobin's name about a thousand times. "Tobin. Ever heard of the name, maybe?"

She shakes her head, thinking about it. "No, I don't think so."

"Okay, that's cool," I say, scratching the back of my head awkwardly. "Yeah. Okay, I need to get out of here."

"What's wrong with you? You've suddenly started to really freak out and it's freaking me out. Rule number whatever, Don't freak me out.  It's not cool and I don't like it, got it?" Gemma asks. 

I awkwardly make a thumbs up with each of my hands and wave my hands around. "Yup, sure. Now how do I get out of here?" 

I don't know why I suddenly feel so awkward and flustered. Just, why?!?! Isn't she supposed to be dead? 

"It's my eyes, isn't it?" She asks.  I turn towards her, and almost laugh. "Everyone is always surprised when they see my eyes."

"Were you born with these kind of eyes? The milky kind?" I ask, trying to sound nonchalant and failing at it miserably. 

She thinks about it for a second. "I don't really know. I've kind of lost my memories, at least I think. All I can remember is stuff that's happened in the last year or so and my name and the fundamentals obviously."

"Interesting," I say aloud accidentally. So she wouldn't remember Tobin. But he remembers her. This is getting complicated. My head starts to pound.

"What's interesting?" She asks.

"Just that I think I know a way out of here. Ready to hear it?" 

Gemma's eyes widen and she looks scared at my manic smile. 


Turning into a rat, is in fact not fun. Now that I'm back to a human, I suddenly have a hankering for cheese. Dang it. 

To get out, I had to touch a rat and turn into it.Fun, right? No. I then had to find keys and turn back into a human to get Gemma out. 

Gemma and I are running through the halls, looking for Tobin. Well, I'm looking for Tobin and she's tagging along. What's he gonna think when he sees her. 

We have to avoid getting seen by guards, which is hard some of the time, but it's doable. Where is he? Frustration courses through my veins as I struggle to find him. 

Suddenly,I figure out how to find him. I reach out and search for his mind. I find a familiar sense and I assume it's him. 

'Tobin!' I yell into his mind. 

'Is that God? Am I dead?' He asks, then giggles. That's right, Tobin the Serious, giggles. 'Of course it's not God! I'm not dead, or am I?' I can feel him get worried, but it fades away. There's a sort of cloudiness in his mind. 

They must have drugged him. 'It isn't God, I'm Arya.'

'Arya,' he says back. 'You're purple girl! Bad things will happen to purple girl, yes they will.'

'What bad things?' I ask, suddenly panicked. 

'Nevermind, bad things.' He dreamily says. 

I try to search for where the signal from his brain is coming from, since I don't think I'll be able to get anything out of him. 

I pinpoint the location and I run there with Gemma at my feet. We find his cell and I see him through the bars. He's in different clothes now and he has his sunglasses on. 

"Arya!" He yells and tries to hug me through the bars. "You're here!" He pinches my cheeks and I smack his hand away. 

"What's up with him?" Gemma asks, coming out from behind me. 

Tobin stops and stares at Gemma before I can explain that he's high as Everest. 

"Gemma," Tobin says, emphasizing on the 'a'. "You're dead." He points at her. 

"No, she's not," I say as I open up the door to his cell. "She's right here."

Tobin shakes his head as Arya slips her shoulder under his arm, steadying him. "No, she's dead. They killed her." 

"I'm right here," Gemma says in a tone that makes me want to slap her. "Is this Tobin? He's taller then I imagined." 

"Hey!" Tobin yells, sounding offended. His volume makes me flinch, so I quicken the pace. At any moment, a guard might notice the missing prisoners. "That's mean! Oh wait, was that nice? Aryaaaa, was that nice?"

"I'm not even sure," I remark, turning a corner in the never ending hallways. "How do we get out of here?" I ask, frustrated. 

"I'm not even sure," Tobin mimics. 

"Shut up, Tobin." 

"Shut up, Tobin." He copies. 

Arya had forgotten about Gemma until she spoke up. "Can you do something to get him to where he's not acting annoying?" 

"I don't know," I remark. "I think that's his default setting."

Tobin pouts. "That's mean." 

"I can be mean if I want to be," I tell him. "I'm the one holding you up."

He looks down at me. "You, have a good point," he says and shuts up. 

"Can you do something?" Gemma asks. 

"I'll try," I say. "But I have to stop moving to be able to do it." I lean Tobin against the wall and a hold my hands at his temples. I don't need to do this to enter someone's mind, but it makes the connection stronger. 

I enter Tobin's mind and I try to maneuver my way through the fogginess, but I can't seems to find out how. I try to seperate the fog, and after a couple tries, I succeed. That should help. 

I exit his mind and he groans. "My head." 

He has his eyes closed and he's squeezing his temples where I just had my hands. Sounds like his trip to drug land is over. 

He opens his eyes and looks at me. "Thank you," he says. 

"No problem," I smile. "You were really annoying, by the way."

"Yeah," Gemma pipes in. "You kept on repeating stuff and giggling."

Tobin turned his head sharply to look at Gemma in shock. "Gem?" He croaks out. "Gem, it's you." He says. I can see tears are about to form in his eyes. 

He embraces her in a long hug, her confused face almost making me laugh. Almost. She doesn't remember. He loves or loved her and she never remembered it. Complications. 



Hey everyone! How's this chapter? Sorry that I haven't been updating very frequently. It's been a stressful couple of weeks, let me tell ya. 

Q: What's your favorite ship of all time? (I don't mean the actual metal floating ship that goes through the ocean.)

A: For me, it might just be Malec or Wessa. 

If you don't know what a 'ship' is, you better do your research. 

Please vote, comment, and pass this story along to your friends. THANK YOU!

1217 words. Unedited. 

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