"Fine, I'll join your battle for all the wonderful glory" I said and the torture removed the shackles on my feet. I looked at my silent 'friend'. He had a black sack over his head with two holes in it. He wore a brown apron over his clothing so he did not get blood on him. I smiled at the man. "Well Johnny it's been rather fun with you, but do remember what I said today. For it is the last day you walk" I told him and I could see the fear in his eyes. He knew who I was. He knew what I could do.

The most powerful witch of the north, the one who turned men to stone, made them explode with a thought, made the sky rain fire and thunder to the ground. Oh if only I had that power. I lost so much of my blood it will take a month to recover fully... or I find some magical stones to heal me. Which is like find a black pearl in a desert.

I got off the table and rolled back my shoulders. The torturer handed me a white shirt. As I put it on it was way too big for me. But I didn't really mind, I didn't feel weather that much and I was only wearing it for my new human traveling companion.

"Well I'm ready whenever you are manhands" I said. She frowned now looking me in the eyes. "Manhands?" She asked me and I shrugged "Judging by the sword on your back I say manhands" I said and walked around her out of my home for the last year.

I knew the way out of course, thought about escaping many times. Lady Manhands was right behind me watching me as if I might turn into a bird and fly away. Which I could do.... Just not now. I was too weak for much magic at the moment.

The courtyard I enter was buzzing with movement. The fort itself looked to have little men left actually. Barely enough men to man the gate. The remaining peasants in the fort were running around trying to get things packed into wagons.

Lady Manhands grabbed my arm roughly and pulled me over toward two soldiers who held horses behind them. "You could have just said follow me" I said as I pulled her armored hand away from, my so delegate skin. She glared at me once more and gestured for me to get on one of the horses. Let's see, black or white? I went with the black stallion and got onto the horse with ease ignoring the help the one soldier tried to give me. Even though I smelled his urination through his pants. It seemed everyone knew who I was.

I wasn't that different from everybody else. I had short black hair and dark red eyes. I was pretty tall and well muscled which scared a lot of men. I wasn't that noticeably different though.

Once Lady Manhands was mounted she led us out of the busy fort into the woods. We were on a very slow pace so I guessed where we were battling was close by. "So what your name Man Hands?" I asked and she didn't even look at me as I rode beside her. "You can call me Commander" she said and I laughed. Now she glared at me. "Commander? How is a skinny white girl like you Commander?" I asked. Oh if looks could kill I'd be very dead right now. "I'm the king's daughter" she said and now my eyebrow rose. "King's daughter? As in King Bethrups child? Why would he be letting his only heir join this battle if the odds are so down in our favor?" I asked her and now she looked back to the road with a grim face.

"He didn't have a choice in the matter, why are you asking so many questions? I'm not poking you for answers?" She asked turning the conversation to me. "Well what answers would you like?" I said which surprised her. I smirked as she was thinking of a question. "Why did your mother invade the Empire?" She asked.

I was expecting something about me, not my mother. Now figuring her out is like trying to solve one of those old Elvin puzzles. "Wanted something? Think she wanted more land or something" I said vaguely because I never really questioned my mother much about her motives. She was very manipulative and could get everyone around her fingers. Except me. Which aggravated her. I was a source of frustration most of the time. Whenever she wasn't manipulating me, she was yelling. Commanding. Why the hell did I even fight for her again?

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