Chapter 22: Birthday surprises.

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~Chapter Twenty Two: Birthday Surprises~

Today is my birthday. There is a party at Zoe's flat. Just Me, Marcus, Zoe, Alfie, Louise, Darcy, Matt and a few other youtubers Zoe invited. I told Zoe to not make a fuss, but she insisted.

I'm waiting for Marcus at Brighton train station as I'm the one driving us to the party.

"Laila." I turn around and see Marcus with his suitcase. I pull him in for a tight hug.

I know it's only been a long weekend but boy did I miss him.

"Happy birthday gorgeous" Marcus whispers in my ear which makes a blush form on my face.


Me and Marcus arrive at Zoe's. There is a few youtuber's there that I already know through Marcus.

"Look at you! You're ready to burst! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I hear Louise's laugh from behind me so I turn around and pull her in for a hug.

"I know! My due date is in three months" I chuckle back.

After saying hello's and receiving happy birthday's from everyone, I go to thank Zoe for the party.

"Its okay. You're only twenty once" Zoe laughs as she takes a sip of her drink.

"I have that surprise for you" Marcus takes my hand and places a little red box in it with a pink bow.

I look at Marcus before pulling the bow delicately. I open up the box to see a gold key.

"I know we was saving up first, and its a bit of a mad rush, but..I had to take the offer whilst we could, and this apartment was offered to m-" I cut Marcus off by jumping into his arms and kissing his lips.

"How did you afford it?" I ask him as I stand back on my own feet and see a few people gathering around us.

"Don't you worry." He taps my nose which wasn't a good idea because now I looked like a red tomato in front of everyone.

"Happy birthday babe!"

Positive. A Marcus Butler fanfiction.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu