Chapter 16: Romantic and all.

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*Chapter Sixteen: Romantic and all*

     I wake up to the smell of pancakes filling my nose making me hungry.

I go to get up, but something heavy is weighing me down.  I look and Marcus is snoring with his head on my stomach. I ruffle his hair and try to wake him up gently.

"Marcus...Marcus." He moves so I can see his face. He looks so cute.

He opens one eye and mumbles "what?" before closing them again.

"Come on, I want food and you're crushing me."

Marcus moves his head off of me so I get up. I go over to him and kiss his cheek.

"I'll be downstairs."

I head downstairs to hear arguing.

"No. Slowly add the milk, because you'll wreck it."

"It will be fine."

"Oh my god Alfie!"

"See? Give it me. I'll do it."

"Okay. I'll wait here."

I walk in the kitchen to see Zoe mixing pancakes up with Alfie behind her with his head on her shoulder.

"You've only just moved in together and you're already arguing." I chuckle.

"Yep. Well someone here can't make pancakes." Zoe sarcastically comments as she grabs some pancake mix and wipes it on Alfie's nose.

I smile at how cute they both are and grab a glass of orange juice.

"Morning gorgeous."

I flinch as I feel something hold my waist.

I turn to see Marcus who now has a top on and un-styled hair.

"Morning Tom Fletcher. You look so cute without your trademark quiff."

I chuckle and kiss his cheek. His mouth dropping open.

"You're saying my quiff isn't cute Miss Rose?" He has a playful grin on his face.

"You know what I mean, Marcus" I wink back, as he leans into kiss me.

Alfie with a look of disgust on his face walks in.

"EW! Get a room you lovebirds." Marcus smiles into the kiss but doesn't stop.

"Let's go to the beach. All four of us?" Zoe beams as she walks downstairs from her shower.

We all agree but I say I need a shower first to get out of my pjs.

I have my shower and then get ready.

Marcus and Alfie are talking in the living room and Zoe is on the phone.

"Guys, Louise is coming too. She's bringing Darcy and meeting us there". Zoe puts her phone in her bag and pulls her sunglasses off her head to cover her eyes.


We arrive at the beach, it's busy.

Everyone takes off their shoes to let their feet sink into the sand. Zoe spots Louise so we head over to her. Darcy comes running to Alfie as he spins her around.

How cute.

"You must be Laila?" Louise comes up and hugs me.

Me, Louise and Zoe are all talking in a group. I get to know Louise and she is lovely.

I'm watching Marcus as he's sitting building a sand castle with Darcy. She's giggling at whatever he is saying.

"He will be a good father" I look back at Louise and Zoe who are looking at me.

They must have seen me staring at Marcus.

"I hope so."

Darcy comes running up to Louise hiding behind her. "Mommy, Alfie's chasing me!" She's laughing so hard. It's adorable.

Alfie and Zoe are chasing Darcy round as Louise reads her magazine.

"BOOOO!" I jump out of my own skin. I turn around to see Marcus.

"You know thats two times to day you've managed to scare the living shit out of me Marcus" I groan, annoyed at him.

"Are we hormonal?" Marcus winks at me.

I blush a little.


"Yes we are" Marcus starts tickling me; my weak point.

"Marcus! Marcus stop please" I try to push him off me but he picks me up instead.

"Marcus! What are you doing? Put me down" He runs over to the sea and throws me in. He jumps in and swims up to me. His face was so close to mine. Our lips nearly touching. His hot breath tickles me as he gets closer. 

"I love you so much" And then our lips join together. We move in sync as he bites my lip for entrance. I tease him for a bit then give him access.

"I love you too" I mutter into the kiss.

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