Chapter 13: The tests

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~Chapter Thirteen: The tests~

I wake up in my own bed. I check my phone to see its only 12:00pm before rolling back over, the memories come flooding back from this morning and the throwing up.

I need Zoe. She will understand.

I text her to meet me at the park just down the road and she replies almost instantly.

"Yes sure. About 1:30 yeah? And omg I have some exciting news:)xx".

I text her back and go for a shower.

After my shower I head downstairs to get some food when I see mum sorting out some washing.

"Laila, do you want to talk?"

I know she must of heard the argument and was the one to put me in bed, so I can't lie now.

I explain the whole thing to her, even sleeping with Marcus bit. I get a lecture of how she was here to support me but she wasn't happy with the fact I slept with Marcus. She isn't very proud of me for doing it.


I see Zoe sat at the park bench. She looks really happy and excited.

"There you are!" She gets up and pulls me in for a hug.

"What's the problem then?" She smiles as we sit down.

"First of, I'm sorry for dumping my life shit on you, when we're only just getting to know each other, but you're the only person I feel I can trust. But, I broke up with my boyfriend Harry."

I swallow back tears.

"Aw don't be silly I'm your friend, that's what I'm here for, don't worry. And, breaking up with him, is that what you wanted?" She looks at me concerned.

"Yeah, I think so. The other problem is I think I'm pregnant" I close my eyes.

I don't want to be judged, not right now.

"Aw Sweetie." She pulls me in for a hug.

"We will work through this together, okay?" She smiles at me and I feel better knowing someone would at least help me.

"First things first, pregnancy test!" She gets up handing me a tissue from her bag.


"So whats the news you wanted to tell me?" I ask waiting in line to pay for the tests.

"Oh, erm, me and Alfie have moved in together, in our own flat" She beams with a cheesy grin. The excitement visible in her eyes.

"Aw that's lovely! I'm so happy for you both" I pull her in for a hug.

Once I had brought the tests we head back to hers and Alfie's apartment so I don't have to take them alone.

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