The Realization

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"Ugg,what happened"I said to myself."whoa why are there plants surrounding me"."Nevermind that I have to get out of here".
As I yanked through the vines,a plant begins to tie around my ankle and softly begins to clutch it.The plants begin to growing onto Me,it grew up my legs and around my wrist,"why does my body feel so weird,must be from sleeping so long" I said while shrugging the question off in my mind.The plants began growing around my trying not to be noticed.One of the vines began to grow into a sharp needle point and jabs itself into my neck."ow what the world was that,why do I feel so...........dizzy.I looked down to see all the stuff was happening as I was trying to escape.The vine in my neck began to put me into a trance the vine in my neck began to pull my body upward.the vines began wrapping my arms into a tight formation and the vines that were ,part of the dome began to seperate the vine in my neck lead me out of the dome.I took a breath of fresh air.The vines set me close to the floor but still held me a few feet up in the air.My eyes began to adjust to the lights but I was still a little dizzy.As I began to come to my sense ,I felt anger boil up inside of me,All at once I realized that I was being held captive and this was not a prank.I struggled to release the grip of the vines but the vines grew tighter and tighter as I moved.I began gasping for air because the vines had become so tight,I tried to yell but it was taking my breath away."Looks like someone's awake,a raspy voice said in the shadows."Who's there"I said in a whisper.The shadow steps forward into the light it was an older man in a military suit .

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