Scary secrets

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I walked toward the office.
They gave me a new schedule,then the lady gave me a dirty look and started rapidly typing on her computer.
I quickly walked out the office and searched for my classroom.
While I was walking down the hall,I saw bright warm yellow lights illuminate from a room.
The door had a sign that said Nurse.
Then out of nowhere the door came swinging open.
The nurse came out pushing a kid on a gurney down the hall.
The kid on the gurney looked like he was about to burst into tears.
The kid began to stare at me and gave me a look of worry.
I gave him a sympathetic look and turned away.
I couldn't bare to watch the kid suffer through his pain.
I quickly looked back when I heard a shriek come from the nurse the kid was glowing and was having a seizure on the table.
Another person came out of the nurse's office it looked like a scientist.
The scientist had a lab coat and he looked really young but his face was straight and he had a sense of maturity.
The scientist quickly shoved the gurney outside.
The scientist gave me a slight wink and then gave me a straight face.
I quickly ran to my class.

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