letter five

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one day you will ask your mother and i what it's like to have a crush, to fall in love. you might mix those two up which is a common mistake. having a crush is just the first stages of developing feelings for someone you care about. sometimes it can be a platonic crush, like your uncle taehyung and i. i wanted to be his friend so long but that idiot was too cool for uncle yoongi and i (but he fell for our nerdy traps (being a nerd is okay! at least you are smart!)).

my point is, having a crush is okay and so is falling in love. it will be okay when your crush rejects you because that is just how it is. not all crushes will go well. your mother put dating boys off for the longest time and you can do that, as long as you are happy. if you have a lot of boyfriends or girlfriends, you are doing nothing but experiencing it, finding out what you like and dont like. everything is completely okay and you will learn what you want in life.

i wanted a cute, small girl who liked tossing rocks in my backyard without asking, someone who played the piano and liked to correct me on my music theories, a girl who enjoyed sticking notes on my back that left cute messages. i got that girl and i have her forever.

to my unborn child, i hope we are what you dream for. remember, you have no reason to be embarrassed of having a crush on someone. dont mind what your friends say, as long as you like the person then that's what matters. you are allowed to ask us for advice, we are your best friends after all.

author: these are all based on what i would like to tell my child, besides jimin telling his story, these are mostly what i want my unborn child to know.
ps: no, i am not pregnant.
pps: a present from me to you because i had a hectic week and you guys probably did to. yay for the end of the week(:

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