He glared at her, raising an eyebrow he shrugged both of his shoulders slowly.

"Do whatever the fuck makes you happy."

"You're such a fucking di-"

Nick slammed his open hand on the table and jeered, "Fuck off!" He shouted loud enough for everyone to hear over the conversations between people and the smooth jazz playing lowly in the background.

Everyone watched the couple doe eyed all of them afraid of the tall drunk outsider who was collecting his black suit jacket from the back of the chair he was seated on.

Vanessa's face turned red. She was more than embarrassed at his barbaric behavior, he had promised her weeks ago he'd come to this social event and be on his best behavior for her. She didn't know why he was acting like such a prick and at this point she just stopped wondering.

With swift movements Nick managed to push through the crowd, "Cunts." He muttered before going out through the front entrance of the hall.

Stepping outside, the cool wind hit his face in such a relaxing way that he could feel himself breathing without any type of restrictions.

"-But I need to go home now, I can't be here any longer."

Nick cocked his head to see Valerie's back facing him, she was on her cellphone staring at the field in front of her, "I can't wait that long it's cold and I refuse to go back inside with those idiots."

Nick placed both hands inside the front pockets of his onxy slacks and stood up straight, just keeping a close watch on her rapid movements.

"I'll just Uber home then, I don't know. Bye."

She hung up her phone and slid it into the clutch she had in her other hand, letting out a groan of frustration she took in a deep breath and turned around. She almost fell over when she noticed Nick standing there with his keys being held up in his hands and a smirk on his face.


"You sure you're okay to drive?" Valerie asked as she was buckling the seat belt to secure herself.

Nick shook his head and took the last drink from the flask before tossing it onto the back seat, "Do you think I care?"

Valerie didn't reply but instead gave him an incredulous look.

He chuckled deeply before turning the keys into the ignition of his Challenger and then peeling out of the parking spot.

Valerie wanted to say something but bit her tongue, he didn't look like he wanted to be chastised and she was in no position to scold him.

Instead she sat back and just stared out Jer window at the dark foggy road they were driving down on, with mainstream hip hop playing lowly in the background.

The atmosphere between them was heavy enough that the tension they shared could be cut in the center with a knife.

They stayed in silence for about 30 seconds before Nick decided to make light casual conversation, "So um, how are you?" He timidly asked after clearing his throat,

"I'm doing better. I've been doing better, and um," She placed a piece of her stray brown hair behind her ear, "And you?"

"Way better, finished school, got a job at a tattoo parlor-"

"And you have your girlfriend." Valerie interjected suddenly, Nick smiled, "Yeah and Vanessa. She's great."

"She seems great, and she's pretty."

"Yeah she is, she's the reason why I was here tonight, and the reason I left."

"Yeah, I can tell by your black suit that you weren't told it was a White Party."

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