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We left Han and Leia today. I only went for him. I love him deeply, more than I do anyone else. He rarely returns the favor.

I seem to be the one person to calm him from his tantrums, even his Jedi-like powers are unable to do that.

They are worried he's too full of hatred to become a Jedi when he trains with Luke, but I believe in him. And I am also quite excited to meet my "Uncle" Luke.

Though I am technically not family, they brought me in like I am. My parents died some years ago by a pair of stormtroopers who had invaded my planet of Naboo. I left there shortly after with my uncle to find the rebels. He also died while getting me to where I am now with Han Solo and Leia Organa. They treat me like their daughter, and I gladly accept their love.

Ben is my best friend. We do everything together, and I understand we are merely teenagers, but my feelings for him have not changed since I met him. I would die for him.

Chewbacca is flying Ben and I to Luke now, only it is in a ship I do not recognize. I did not enquire of what kind it was though, too many sad faces around to care what I was flying in. Even if my love for flying and spacecrafts is large, nothing compares to goodbyes.

It is quite big, enough space to be comfortable and move around without being on top of each other. I am thankful it is not as small as an X-Wing fighter.

"You shouldn't have come," Ben says, watching the hyper speed out the large glass window.

I sit up from the small couch. "But you need me with you. I can help you train."

"What can you do that won't distract me? You wait on me hand and would that help?" he snaps.

I look to the floor. "I don't mean to make you angry, Ben. I only mean to help, and if not coming with you is helping you then I will go back with Chewie."

His beige colored robe flowed to the side as he quickly turned to me. I instantly snapped my eyes back to his own. His face held anger and sadness simultaneously.

"I don't want you to leave me! I only was stating you shouldn't have come! It could be dangerous, Veto, and I can't let you get hurt.."

I stood and took two strides to be in front him. Even in our young age, he towers over me like his father to his mother. My hands lay themselves on his chest to calm his heavy breathing.

"I won't get hurt. You will be there to protect me if I can't myself. I will work at it while you train, okay? I'll become stronger with you. We'll grow and become better people here. All will be fine..."

I was wrong.

Memories - kylo ren / ben soloWhere stories live. Discover now