"Fucking shit! What time is it?!" I said stuffing myself into some skinny jeans and a Batman t-shirt.


"Wait... Since when do you care about being late?"


"And why did you just wake me up?"

"I was uh... texting Liam?" He said scratching the back of his neck. I smirked.

I left my hair a mess and placed my glasses on my nose not wanting to wear my contacts today.

"HURRY UP!" Niall yelled from downstairs. I grabbed my backpack and practically ran down the stairs tripping on the second step and squealing in pain when I hurt my bruises. I stumbled on getting up and ran out the door. Thirty minutes later and we were at school, surprisingly, Niall should drive over the speed limit often.

"Thanks mate" I said running out of the car and into the school. I rushed into biology class earning a glare from Mrs.Green.

"Mr.Irwin, you're late, detention after school"

I sighed and walked over to my desk. My hands holding my head up. Biology is boring, making it longer.

I smiled and ran out of the class as the bell rang. Finally! Onto my favorite subject, English. I sat in my usual spot and waited for Mr.Clark to walk in.

"Hello Class, today you will be having a new English project! But before you start choosing your partners, I've already chosen them!"

I heard groans from everywhere. I mentally laughed at these idiots.

"Alright alright calm down everyone"

He started announcing names, and finally he got to mine.

"Ashton Irwin and Luke Hemmings"

I fell onto my desk groaning in the process. Why him?! His friends practically try to murder me.

And he's the schools popular 'hot' jock. Not only that, but a player and a rude human being.

"You will have to go to each others houses for this project. And this will include 50% of your grade, now let me tell you about your assignment" Mr.Clark contiuned.

I groaned again. Out of all these thirty people he chooses Luke for me! Just great. Great, just shoot me.

"You will have to fill out 5-6 pages about his or her information. And that's all, an easy A, now go on, and sit next to your partner"

Luke looked at me and I looked back, he mouthed "Do I move or?" I just nodded. He walked towards me and sat next to me.

"Hey, Im Luke"

"Ashton" I replied bluntly.

"So, do we start today?"

"You want to get an early head start? This project isn't due till' next week"

"I like to have everything done early"

"Alright, so do I come over to yours?" I implied.

"How about I go over to yours?"

"Whatever" I wrote down my address and handed it to him.

"See you later" And walked out of the class. Yes! lunch time! I mentally fist pumped the air. I walked off to my locker and stuffed my books in heading towards the bathroom. I quickly washed my hands and was drying them when I heard the door slam shut. I turned around and saw Tyler and his two other football buddies, Bruce and Brad.

Luke's football buddies

"Hey faggerella"

I stayed quiet, fucking seriously? I guess I'm a gay cinderella.

"Answer me, you ass!"

"U-uh Hi"

"You looked happy this morning, when you were late? Was it because you missed your morning beating?"


"No" I sighed. 

"Good, because you're getting it now"

They all tackled me to the floor. Punching every single thing on my body. Tyler stood up and started kicking me. I felt a hot liquid rolling down to my lips. It wasn't a tear... It was blood. I tried screaming out but it was useless, Tyler's evil grin was all I saw before everything went white. Yes, white. I saw a white light. I'm probably just exaggerating.

I woke up, and pain instantly ran through my body. I thought I died. It's not supposed to be like this god damn they should've just ended me. I opened my eyes and saw that I was in my room.

"Oh hey, you're awake" I heard a sigh of relief.




"No, its me, Luke. Your English partner. How do I sound anywhere near your mum? Im pretty sure she doesn't sound like a seventeen year old who just hit puberty."

"Why aren't I at school?! And why are you here?!" I said panicking.

"Let me explain" He told me everything from when he walked into the bathroom and saw me on the floor blood everywhere. To when he carried to his car and brought me home.

"Thank you"

"It was nothing. You should get some rest" He said getting up and walking towards my bedroom door.

"See you tomorrow, hopefully" He said.

And he walked away. He's probably not as bad as I think he is.

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