down in the ash dm

43 2 7

Ashton's POV

It's late, like 2AM so early. I'm up just scrollinnn on instagram, looking for some booty tooty cause gay.

All of a sudden, I saw a ass. A bug ass. I double tapped that ass real fast and commented "😍😍😍👅 that ass tho" and then giggled to myself cause I'm so sexy.

I heard my phone beep beep.

It was like beeeep....beeep.
I clicked on my notification at the top of my screen on my phone. My iphone. And saw what he said, I don't know his name so imma call him that ass. 

That ass said "Thanks wanna so morrr?😻😻👀💋❤🍌🍆🌽💧🌚"   I was like oh damn heck yess.

"Sure hit that dm" I said.

My phone. My iphone. Went beeep beeppp.
It said beeeep beeeepp.

I clicked on my dm seeing a had a dm

I wonder who it could be.. I don't have many friends so this is weird. At first I wasn't even gonna click it cause I was scared like really who is this? So I just clicked it.

I saw "look at my booootyyyy💦💦💦💦" and I was like ohhhh yeaaah I told that ass to hit that dm and he did hit that dm I'm proud of my baby. I hope he can be my baby cause that ass is fat.

"Oohhh that ass is fatttt!! 😎😆😆😊😊😊" I said

"What's your name tho 😕" I also said.

"Oo. YAS, my name is Calum Hood but you can call me Oh Yeah cause that's all your gonna be saying after you see this🙊🙊💋💋🌚"  Oh yeah said.

A few seconds  later I heard my phone, my iPhone. Beeep beepp.
It said beeep beeeep. I clicked on the dm and saw a picture of that ass and he was on the floor with a pinapple.
I love pinapples I love Oh yeah.

"😮what you gonna do with that pinapple Oh yeah?" I asked.

"I'm gonna put in up my booty!😊😊🌚🌚🌚" Oh yeah said. I gasped like sucked in a lot of air like dick like a lot cause he gonna stick that up his booty.

"I wanna see tho,😎😎😍😍 if u don't mind, I know you guys have so many values and it's okay if you feel uncomfortable even tho you posted your ass already but you don't have to stick the pinapple in that ass😔 I'm a good person "
I saix, feeling bad, I don't want him to think I think he a hoe and just gonna put a pinapple in his ass even tho everybody see him ass on instagram.

"😀 Oh no I WANNA PUT THE PINAPPLE IN MTMY ASS.😀😀🌚"  Oh yeah said and I smiled cause he's so sweet.

"Ok." I said. I went and got some soda cause I was thirsty. I was waiting to see that ass and pinapple but I know it's gonna take him a minute to get the pinapple in there cause ass holes are not too big and pinapple are big. I hope he use protection. I really don't eat him to get pregnant.  Giving birth to a pinapple will hurt his big ass.

I was drinking my soda when I heard my phone go beeppp beeepp. It said beeeeeeepppp it songs like a song almost made me twerk but I can't right now I was twerking this morning tho.

I checked my dm and seen the pinapple in his ass

"😄☺☺☺😙😘😙😘❤ omg yes that booty can hold a pinapple you must be bae cmere"

I said Oh yeah looks so pretty too.

"☺🌚🌚 thank u we should get married. " Oh yeah said.

I'm not sure what to say, we just met but for some reason, the way the pinapple is perfectly in that ass I want to marry him.

"Let's so get married👅👅✌ I see you tomorrow I go buy ring mow." I said and turned off my phone. My iphone.

U need to go buy dat ring for that ass.


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