"Wassup Mortisha? Why you in ya jammies at ya boss's house?" Hawk says. Oh shit I forgot I told them she was my assistant.

" My name is Rose & I got really drunk last night and he let me sleep in the guest room upstairs. I was just finishing some paperwork for him about new design visuals for the tour , he told me to run it through someone named Cash?" Yes that's my girl, such a fucking actress.

"Oh yeah cash isn't here right now but I'll give you his email and shit and you can send them to him." Lamar says.

"Yo so do you cook? Cause a nigga hungry, I ain't gonna be sitting here waiting for that big headed mufucka starving and shit." Shit if they're going to wait for me I need to go get cleaned up.I tiptoe back up in my room and slip on the blood on my floor almost hitting my head . I drag the bodies into my bathroom & wet a wash cloth and began washing the blood off my face which took me a while because it dried hard and caked on in my beard. I hear the door open and Rose whispering my name , I pulled her in the bathroom and she starts rummaging for my laptop .

"Do you have any visuals on your laptop ? The bald one is asking for sample pictures." She whisper yells .

"Just look in there . I don't know where they're at , make up some shit." I rush out the bathroom after getting the blood off my face; I grab my phone and house keys and decided to dip out the window.


"What?! Stop yelling!"

"You stop yelling dammit! Here's my phone, drop it down after I get out so I can catch it!" She takes my phone and watches me struggle to get out the window without breaking a bone. Putting one leg out after the other holding on to the windowpane by my hands as my body dangles , I pray quickly before letting go as I land on a bed of rocks. I roll over in pain ignoring Rose's witch laugh that seems to be echoing throughout the backyard. I look over and seem my flowerbeds are ruined and budding tulips crushed.

"Shit." I mumble . I really liked those tulips.

"Catch!" I look up and my phone comes crashing down on my face landing on my nose . "Fuck!" I quickly covered my mouth completely forgetting I'm supposed to be out buying a new phone. I get up and give rose the middle finger for throwing my phone down directly on to my face , she laughs as if this shit is so funny. I grab my phone and limp to the front door, going up the steps I hear Lamar and Hawk talking , I quickly unlock the door and try to walk in as normal as possible.

"What y'all ugly asses doing in here?" I say trying to make everything seem cool.

"Waiting for your stale captain crunch face ass. Lil Wednesday Adams said you went to go get another phone . What happened to the one you had?"

"She got drunk and we were fucking around and accidentally spilled Henny on the shit ." I say shaking my head. "I knew you was knocking them bones nigga!" Hawk says.

"Nigga shut up."

"Why didn't you take your car bro?" Lamar says looking at me weird.

" I was still fucked up from last night and didn't need a DUI or anything."

"So from this morning till now you didn't have a phone and you didn't take your car?" Lamar asks in confusion. I know what he's doing and he knows I'm lying , he's the only one who knows about what I do and he's making it seem like I don't have my shit together in front of hawk.

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