Pussy Boy

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Rose's pov

" You're literally so boring. This is the best you've got? Hanging me upset down bitch my mom made me drink bleach then closed the door while I cleaned the bathroom with ammonia do better." I said laughing.

I really don't believe Abel's a murder, can harm someone yes? But kill? Absolutely fucking not.

He does weak shit like cut you or bang your head against the wall or fucking hang you upside down for God's sake. I knew was a pussy from the very fort moment he spoke to me in that baby lotion soft voice.

"So how long you plan on leaving me up here? I'm getting hungry again."

I say swaying back in forth like a grandfather clock. This is amusing me more than its scaring me.

"Shut the fuck up Rose, you fucking talk to much you know that?" He says erasing something on a sheet of paper.

I giggle to myself, he's probably drawing a picture of kittens and rainbows like the pussy boy he is.

The second I started laughing his head popped up like a talpidae in whack-a-mole.

"What's so funny?" He scrunched his eyebrows together.

"If I do recall correctly you told me to shut the fuck up and that I talk too much? Yes?"

"I hate you"

"I hate myself sometimes too. Now really get me down!! I'm hungry and blood thirsty" I said smirking.

"I can't tonight I have 3 songs to write"

"I knew you were a pussy" I say trying to taunt him.

"Watch your mouth Rose"

"Puss-cee boy" I say pronouncing every syllable

"I'm not going to warn you again Rose" his words spewed out out like venom.

"What are you going to do kill me?" I guffawed in my iconic witch laugh.

The harder and louder I laughed the more infuriated he became. Suddenly he stormed over to me with his face flushed and untied me from the ceiling.

He picked me up and threw me on the bed and climbed on top of me wrapping his cold long fingers around my neck.

"Kinky I see" I manged to choke out and he held me tighter.

Looking into the furious eyes I thought, maybe he can kill. Maybe he isn't remorseful. But he won't kill me. He needs me. I know he does.

And with knowing that I used all the strength left in me to reach up and softly peck his lips. Just before my eyes rolled back, I saw his eyes turn soft and vulnerable. Almost like he realized the monster he's become.

Loosing his grip on my neck, I drew in the air and it immediately infiltrated my lungs. And we just looked at each other. No word were exchanged. The silence was bliss.

I leaned up kissing his sweet lips, and he hesitated kissing me back. Meshing our lips together gave me a new kind of feeling everytime. A feeling of new life, a spark that ran electricity throughout my whole body. Kissing him was like an adrenaline rush and I wanted more.

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