"Ya about that. I will find you." He said and I wanted nothing more than to punch something.

"Good luck with that." I said.

"Oh I will find you. One way or another. We have a lot of catching up to do. And i will always get my way." He said before he hung up. M wasn't lying when she said he was back. I thought as I gripped my phone pretty hard.

"Hey are you okay?" I heard a new person ask.

"Just fanfuckingtastic." I said and looked up to see Bryce walking back over to me.

"You look like you are about to kill someone." He said.

"That is just an understatement." I said as I tried to control my anger. I can't explode now.

"Follow me. I know a place where no one likes to go. You can get rid of your anger there." Bryce said and I nodded.

"Hey Jack you coming?" Bryce asked someone.

"Ya sure. I want to see what she's got." that Jack guy said and I followed Bryce stiffly to the back of the school. He opened a door and ushered me in. I looked around the room to see that it had an old boxing ring. I spotted a punching bag that was hanging down from the ceiling. I walked up to it and looked up to see that it was able to move across the room. I spotted a door and looked at Bryce, with a point at it.

"Yes that is an old locker room." He said and I nodded. I quickly changed walked out. I stretched and then put some tape on my feet. I taped my hands and put on my gloves. I walked over to the bag and started punching. I pictured Peter and Kevin's  stupid faces. 

I heard Bryce say something but I chose to ignore him until I kicked the bag and sent it flying across the room. I heard someone yell fuck, but I didn't care at the time. I started to walk over to the other side of the room to get it but felt someone grab my arm. I brought my other hand around and swung without looking.

"Oh shit." he said but I knew he ducked it. I turned around to see Bryce.

"What?" I snapped.

"Look as much as I think you would love to stay in here we need to go to class and you still need to eat." he said.

"Food yes class no." I said and pulled my arm out of his grasp.

"Sorry sunshine but you will go to class one way or another." Bryce said.

"I ain't no fucking sunshine!" I snarled.

"Not at the moment. Who's Kevin?" He asked and I stiffened.

"How do you know that name?" I asked him.

"You were yelling something about how you wanted to kill someone named Kevin." he said.

"He's no one." I said and walked away. I walked into the locker room and started to change.

"Are you seriously going to just walk away like that?" Bryce said as he walked in.

"Yes, now get out." I snapped.

"I'm not walking out of here until you tell me something." He said and I looked at him.

"Why should I tell you anything when I barely know you?" I asked him.

"Fair enough. Ask me anything you want." He said and leaned against the wall.

"Who exactly are you?" I asked him as I took off the tape from my feet.

"Bryce Daverson. I'm what they call a bad person." He said and I raised an eyebrow.

The Fighter and The Bad AssWhere stories live. Discover now