Chapter 11

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My eyes peeled open around maybe noon. Usually I would have been blinded by the light that poured through my window but instead my room is pitch black. Dan must have closed them at one point in the night. Thats strange because wasn't my door locked?

I slowly dragged myself out of bed and toward my door. It was unlocked. I then cautiously opened the door, walking across the flat. Dan isn't home but there's a huge colorful bouquet of flowers on the island counter in the kitchen. I walk over to it and read the small note card attached to it. I plan on making it up to you, Phil. ~Dan

Shrugging, I turn away from the flowers and walk over to the dish rack to get a bowl and spoon. I then make myself some cereal and walk back to my room making sure the door is locked. I sit down on the edge of my bed and begin eating. While chewing, I get up and open my curtains then return to my original position.

I think about everything that has been happening lately while I chew. Dan has changed drastically and he just thinks that it can be fixed by gifts? I don't think so. After what he did with that girl.. and hitting me?! I don't like what he's changing into.

I finish my cereal and set the empty bowl on my nightstand. I then hear the front door open and Dan call for my name. Moments later, Dan is knocking at my door asking if I'll unlock it and talk to him. I think about it for a second before deciding no. Laying back down sounds better.

As I cover with my blankets, I hear Dan trying the doorknob. I don't understand why he's trying so hard I mean he's the one that messed up. It's his fault that all this happened.

"Phil, baby, are you awake? I- I wanna show you something.. can you please come out?" He asks, knocking softly.

I turn away from the door and close my eyes with a sigh. I'm pretty sure I can avoid him forever. At this rate, I would say I'm doing good. I honestly don't care if he wants to make it up to me. I don't want the apologetic gifts or anything from him for that matter.

I hear my door slowly open, then eyes watching me. "What do you want?" I mumble, not moving.

"I just want to talk to you... a-and I got you something..," he paused, " will you please come out here?" His voice is soft and low, probably so I don't get mad. I think about it and just when I'm about to say no, I feel Dan sit at the foot of my bed. "Phil, please come out and talk to me?"

I sit up, glaring at him. "Why should I, huh, Daniel?" I see him visibly flinch then watch as he gets up and walks over, sitting down next to me.

Although I can't see Dan's face, I can still imagine what his face looks like right now. Frustrated and upset. "Phil, look, I'm sorry for what I did, trust me I am. I understand if you might be mad at me. I just want you to know that I won't be able to forgive myself if you don't." With that he got up and walked out of my room. Stupid, didn't even close my door.

I rolled my eyes and got up, walking to close my door. I heard Dan on the phone but honestly I don't exactly care. He can be on the phone with whomever. It doesn't phase me anymore. When did things get so complicated between us? We were perfect for the longest time but now we have so many problems.

I sat on my bed and put my face in my hands. I refuse to cry about this. I felt my eyes water, quickly wiping them dry. I can't cry over something so stupid. I mean, what's there to cry about anyways? I have my bed so that's a plus. I can build my relationship with my bed now. At least one of my relationships are going well. Funny how that happens.


Sorry for a shorter than usual chapter :/

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