"This is what you two were arguing over?" I asked, referring to him and Tyler who was glaring at us. He was definitely suspicious.

"Yes, I need to know that she's okay. I have to find her!" he cried. I hadn't seen him like this before and never in my wildest dreams expected the day to come. I had a big dilemma on my hands.

Eventually, I told him to stay in town and that I'd go with Tyler to bring her home safely. I even promised to update him the whole way there but he just refused to cooperate.

Tyler was becoming more impatient by the second, continuously beeping the horn and receiving negative looks from people in the neighbourhood. One idea came to mind and I was forced to roll with it since there was no other working option. I believed it was necessary to help Alec so instead of talking to Tyler, an idea I knew would be a guaranteed failure, I told him I'd text him the address Zach had given to me which meant he'd have to make his own way. He instantly agreed.

I quickly walked away from him and headed towards Tyler's car, opening the door and climbing inside. I was absolutely silent, waiting for him to start the car but instead he was watching me like a hawk.

"Let's go!" I said over-enthusiastically, patting his leg. He gripped my hand tightly and kept his gaze on me. I felt like he was staring into my soul.

"What was going on between you and Alec?" he asked.

"He wanted to come along but I didn't believe that he genuinely cares about her!" I huffed, trying to remove any doubts that Tyler may have had.

"You're right, he doesn't," his expression was cold and hard.

"Yeah, but how are you so sure?"

"I know exactly what he's like with girls. He fucks them and that's all," He said and I cringed at his choice of words. "Alec is totally not a serious relationship kind of guy. He may be my best friend but I wouldn't let him do that to my sister," he explained.

His hypocrisy was angering me. That was exactly what he did but he didn't think twice about those girls. He didn't even think once! Of course I didn't want Heidi to face that but just because he would never find a real relationship, it didn't mean Alec wouldn't either.

"So basically he's just like you?" I hissed. He rotated his head and looked out of his window furiously. "Cat got your tongue?" I continued. This was the perfect chance for me to release some more of my anger that was meant solely for him. "Have you ever thought about all the girls you've made cry?"

He instantly clamped his hand over my mouth and shook his head.

"Do not blame it all on me, those girls knew who I was. They were stupid for thinking they had a chance of a real relationship with me, I'm not into all that mushy love stuff. And did they ever say no to sex? They didn't. Therefore they're equally to bla-" he said before I interrupted, holding my index finger up in the air. I gripped his arm and threw his hand off my mouth.

"Hold up a minute, you cannot simply say they're equally to blame. I know how you try to seduce girls. You've tried it with me and I keep refusing but you still won't back down. They just weren't able to resist as long as I will. Forever," I strongly defended. There was no way I would let him win this one because I was clearly correct.

Tyler threw his head back and laughed, then instantly formed a grin on his face. "Firstly, you won't be able to resist me forever and secondly, you really think I bothered chasing after them? Oh no baby girl, they weren't worth it," he winked at me.


I couldn't help but think about what Tyler had said just five minutes ago. He didn't chase those girls because they weren't worth it.

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