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Hi! :)

So, I'm going to be dedicating chapters to people who have supported me throughout my books! This chapter is dedicated to hijiyana because she constantly asks me to update which shows that she has a real interest in my stories and that really makes me happy! <3


Chapter 3

Tyler's POV

She was stood just a few steps away from me, her arms fallen to her sides and hands turned into fists with her finger nails digging into her palms. She looked unbelievably hot even with tears streaming down her rosy red cheeks, smearing her make-up.

She seemed heartbroken and shocked, like she was expecting me to take her side.

Why would I?

Should I have?


She made the mistake of rejecting me and now she would suffer the consequences. But still, somehow I felt guilty and sorry for her.

I looked back at Jason who had a huge grin on his face, the asshole. I honestly felt like punching him there and then but I couldn't, it was just another girl after all. Why was I so bothered anyway?

"What are you staring at?" Jason laughed as he lightly punched my arm, turning around to see what I was gazing at for so long. I hadn't even realised until he mentioned it and I quickly looked at him.

He had already turned around by then, looking at Arissa with shock as he ran towards her. "Arissa! What are you doing here?" he said, trying to hide his situation and hoping she hadn't caught him. She took a deep breath and wiped away her tears before running off, with Jason following her and me just behind. He was a couple of inches behind her when he reached out to grab her arm and turned her around so she was facing him.

"Get off of me!" she yelled as she violently shook his arm off, not even bothering to hide her tears.

"It's not what it seems like Arissa, trust me!"

"Give me a break, Jason! I saw everything and I heard it all too!" she said, sniffling between every two words.

"Just listen to me Ari, please!" He stopped her from walking away again and pleaded for her to hear him out but she wouldn't.

"Stop it Jason! We are done," she said before storming off. I covered my mouth with my hand, trying to hide my laughter. Jason looked at me, his face full of rage and embarrassment since I just saw him get dumped. He glared at me so I returned the look and crossed my arms, resulting in him lowering his head and walking away.

Nobody looked at me like that.


Arissa's POV

I could feel an emptiness inside me, I couldn't believe what I had just witnessed. All this time my relationship was a lie. He felt nothing for me and there I was, defending him every single time someone pointed a finger at him. I believed him every time he said those three little words to me but now they had become meaningless.

I trudged along, past the dance floor and all the drunk people until Zach saw me again. He sauntered towards me but I wiped away my tears and turned in the opposite direction, not in the mood to talk to anyone. He quickly caught up to me and stood infront of me, blocking my way as usual.

"What?" I sighed.

"What's wrong?" he asked me.

"Why do you assume something is wrong? Just leave me alone," I hissed before walking away. Once again he stopped me.

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