My Request To Parents

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Recently, I lost my friendship with a very sweet friend of mine because of her parents. Her parents got to know about her relationship and took away her mobile. And she lost all her contacts with her friends.

In India, things get ugly when parent discover your interest in a guy. I wonder why? What's wrong in that? Didn't their heart fluttered when they were of our age? Didn't they made mistakes?

I'm not blaming here anyone, I know they want good of their child but cutting her off from her friends...I don't know how's that good.

It's not about relationships only. There is this study pressure on our mind 24*7 like always. They think 'those' kind of friends affect our studies. But isn't it our choice to do well or not? Is forcing going to help. I don't think it is.

If a children is average in studies everyone says that it’s only because she didn’t study well enough, this is blamed  as the reason. Study harder, I don’t know what you’ll do in future, you have no future. I need the marks. Still no improvement ? Go for tuitions. Still no marks? Something’s wrong with you let's contact your teacher, is the fucking cliché theory

The truth is that if your child isn’t naturally gifted enough in studies, no amount of hard work will be able to achieve the results you expect. This doesn’t mean that your kid is a total zero and has no future though.

Aren’t there other professions, other talents? Why writing on wattpad is not acceptable for most of them?

Every child is naturally gifted in something. May not be in studies, but may in art, music, sports or something else. All these can be pursued as professions too; parents mostly don’t seem to understand that there are other careers than your standard doctor, teacher and engineer.

 When people want to know about my future plans, first of all, they don’t speak to me. They ask my parents, like it’s them who’s going to live my life. And their question will usually go, “So, what is your daughter going to become- a engineer or CA?”

When my parents say neither, they’ll go knowingly, “Oh, so she’s going be an doctor. Wonderful!”

Wonderful my foot....I wanted to be a dancer..but yeah low case job in people's eyes!

I know so many friends here who can't pursue their real dreams because of society and parents...if you aren't one of them..consider yourself damn lucky!!

Then there comes this love thingy...why? What's wrong in making mistakes? What's wrong in not being perfect?

I know many stories where love from high school resulted in successful marriage. I don't have anything against arranged marriage, but can't we break stereotypes of dating in teenage and be free already?

Whom we crush on, whom we's not in our control. Heart does it all. How to bind it?

If a girl have guts to like someone, she must have guts to make her career successful too.

But when you force her, nothing goes well I guess. She will go in depression, become alone and everything no one deserves.

There's my request...please try to understand your must be breaking her right now.

I wish I could scream this thing in front of them and tell them to look at their daughter face and ask her what she wants to be happy.

But I can't do anything except to sit here and type.

I'm really feeling so bad right now. We used to talk to her like daily, and now we can't. I don't know how is she. She must be crying. But we are not there to tell her it's going to be okay.

I just hope she remains my sweet strong girl she was, because we love her. She will fight every battle, I trust her to. She won't give up I know. But I will miss her always.

I so wanna hear her giggle and see her puppy eyes right now, because she was my sweetest friend ever.

I miss her. Hope that she's okay, that's all I can do.

Lots of love,

P.s- I miss her :(

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