Chapter 11

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*Chloe's POV*
I can't believe I told him that I loved him, fucking idiot.
I have to stop crying myself to sleep and just get on with my life and move on, I have cried myself to sleep for like a week now.

But I'm going out on the field for work tomorrow so that should distract me and keep me occupied so I don't think about it. I really do love my job though and I work with such great people as well which makes it all better.

I called up Cat because I really needed to talk to someone, I would have called Paige too but she is on holiday with Ash at the moment.
"Hello Chloe?" Cat said as she answered the phone.
"Hey Cat" I replied.
"What's up, you sound upset...Do you need me to come round?" Cat asked.
"Yes please" I said my voice breaking.
"Okay I will be over as soon as possible" she told me.

About 10 minutes later Cat arrived with cookies and a bunch of films.
"Come here" she gestured for me to give her a hug, so I did and I really needed that hug.
"So what's up, why are you upset?" cat asked as we walked to the sofa and Cat grabbed a blanket and wrapped me up in it and put on Mad Max: Fury Road in the background.
"Just the same reason as when I last called you and Paige up"I said looking down.
"Aw Chlo, but honestly I am going to meet up with him tomorrow and give him a piece of my fucking mind because for starters he has ditched such a great friend and the fact he ditched you at an event He asked to take you to"Cat Said to me.
"Cat don't worry about it, I have work to keep my mind off of him and everything, but it's just how I've lost such a close friend and how he said my opinion meant nothing to him that is what upset me" I told her starting to cry again.
"Okay we need to sort this out now screw waiting until tomorrow"Cat said sternly as she got up and grabbed her phone.
"Cat no"I tried to tell her but she was already on the phone.
"Hello"Cat greeted but not with a happy tone.
"I don't care what you are doing right now Taron if I'm perfectly honest, You just need to know how much you have fucking broken Chloe because of what you did and said to her" Cat raged at him.
"No don't apologise to me, I don't want to hear it, You haven't the slightest idea how much you have lost because you ditched Chloe for some stupid girl, and even though you have hurt her so much you still mean the absolute world to her because that is how much of an amazing friend she is to you, so I suggest you sort your shit out before she forgets about you and then you realise how much you have lost when your shitty relationship crashes" Cat sassed at him.

Cat can literally be the sassiest person ever sometimes, but I really didn't want to deal with Taron and especially at the moment, I just wanted to move on with my life and forget about him because it would be extremely awkward if I was to be friends with him now he knows I love him, I wish I could say I used to love him but my feelings still have to be an asshole and won't go away. It's annoying because I really don't want to talk to him or see him but I also really miss him and being around him which makes it harder to dislike him.

But I'm worried if I do see him that I will just fall even harder for him and I will forgive him in a heart beat but I don't want to do that. Ugh.

"Chlo?" Cat called.
"Huh sorry what?" I rambled.
"I've called your name like 10 times, you okay?" Cat asked.
"Oh yeah, I was just thinking and hating on my feelings for being annoying and confusing" I explained.
"Aw, how are they annoying?" Cat questioned.
"Just the fact how I hate Taron, well want to hate him and never see him or speak to him but I really miss him and hanging out with him at the same time and it's annoying me" I explained.
"You are really in love with him aren't you?" Cat asked.
"Yes...maybe...I don't know anymore" I said putting my head in my hands to try to stop myself from crying yet again. And just as I did there was a knock at my door. I do not want to deal with people...uuuugggghhhhhh.
I've never been a people person anyway, but I did get up, wrapped in a blanket, with red puffy eyes and looking like trash (worse than usual) in my pyjamas and I opened the door to see Taron, the one person I did not want to fucking see right now, but his eyes were all red and his eyes were watering.

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