Chapter 3

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*Chloe's POV*
I woke up the next morning and I was room, and my head was pounding...and my eye fucking killed and I could only open one...urm why...

I got up, holding my head as it was pounding, like almost out of my skull, and walked over to my mirror to see my right eye completely fucked was black/blue/purple what the fuck happened.

I walked out of my room to see Taron, he must have brought me home last night, oh god...I'm fucking horrendous when I'm drunk...I act like 5 year old and I become flirtatious but I'm not good at it, Taron must have asleep on my sofa, awh bless, I went and got a blanket from my room and covered him with it.

Then I went into my kitchen and got a glass of water, and some pain killers for my head and eye...wait I remember something about tripping and falling and hitting my face on something but I don't know what I hit my face on.

I then put the kettle on to make a cup of tea.
"Make it two cups of tea"Taron shouted.
"Okay"I replied quieter.
"Just please don't shout...dying here"I told him.
All he did was laugh.

Once I had made the tea's I went and gave Taron his and placed mine on the coffee table in front of the sofa, then moved Taron's feet and sat down.
I then put my feet on Taron, grabbed my cup of tea and breathed out heavily, then asking.
"What did I do?"
Taron laughed and then started to explain.
"Well...You sat in the corner of the room, like you always do at parties and shit, and got pissed then went crazy and did your attempting to flirt with guys bit completely failing, yeah you did that to a few guys then danced like a person who should be in an asylum...Then you came over to me stumbling on every step you took and tried to flirt with me...saying, and I quote 'Hello Hansome...' I was finding it hilarious because you are so funny when you are drunk, then I said come on let's get you home and you wanted to stay and dance with me so I picked you up and went to carry you to my car to bring you back here...but then you tried to flirt with me again by saying 'Ooo look at you Mr big Muscles...trying to carry me' Still laughing at this point I put you into the car and belted you up and you told me you knew how to put a belt on and called me a Twonk..."
I literally hand my hands over my face getting redder by the second....
"Then I went to get in the other side and it turns out you weren't next to had got out of the car and started to run down the then said you wanted to walk home, so I just picked you up again but threw you over my shoulder this time and you smacked my arse...and said 'Got you' and then giggled like a school girl...I then pit you in the car and this time locked it so you couldn't escape again, finally we got back here at 2am but you were just running around the house screaming, like what a small child would do, eventually I got you into bed but you kept getting up so I had to pin you down myself, then eventually calmed down so I got up and began to leave the room...then you got up again but tripped and face planted the corner of your desk, which knocked you out cold, so I picked you up put you in bed, got an icepack and put it on your eye to ease the swelling, then was too tired to leave so I fell asleep on your sofa" He finished.
By now I was as red as a fricken' firetruck or tomato, which is what everyone refers to.

"That explains the eye then...but that is so embarrassing...I'm so sorry..."I apologised.
"Don't be it was a great night, rather amusing"Taron chuckled.
"And thank you for looking after me I don't know what I would do without ya"I said playfully punching his arm.
"It's really no trouble"He said.
What I wanted to know though is why he said everything without stuttering but one part he stuttered...when he said about having to pin me down to get me to go to bed...Did something happen?!
No, he wouldn't do that...But I might have?! Fuck!
"Taron"I said grabbing his attention.
"Yes?"He asked looking right at me, well obviously where the fuck else would he look...the kitchen.
"Why did you stutter when you said about you having to pin me down to get me to go to bed...Did something happen, or did I do something?"I asked hesitantly.
"...Nothing really happened..."He said.
" did kiss me..."He finished.
"Shit! I apologise that was the stupid drunk me....I am sorry..."I said, I could now feel my face burning as if I was being sunburnt.
"It's cool, don't worry about it...I was just not expecting it that's all"He said laughing.
"Can we just forget it happened...?"I asked.
"I ain't promising nothing...I might have liked it..."He winked.
"Shut up"I said hitting him as I got up and went to the bathroom.
"I'm joking"He shouted.
"Haha, you're so funny...and don't shout sensitive head here"I could almost feel the sarcasm.
"I am I'm hilarious..."Was all I heard then some mumbling...he was probably talking to himself again.
"I'm getting in the shower"I said.
"Okay"Taron replied.

I had a lovely warm head and my eye still both hurt...Also it's bloody difficult only being able to properly see out of one eye.

Once I was done in the shower I got out and felt around for my towel, I swear I pit in down somewhere...I wiped my good eye with my hand so I could see, kind of, and my towel wasn't there...I must have forgotten it...but none of my clothes were here either just my bra and pants...I went to the cupboard to get a towel but they were all towels in this entire room...what the fu-
I put on my bra and pants and opened the door.
"Taron you little prick...give my towel I'm cold!"I shouted, it proper killed my head but I didn't care at this point.
I left the soaking wet hair and body dripping all over the floor where ever I went making small puddles on the floor of my feet.
I didn't care If Taron saw me in my underwear because he has seen me in a bikini before and it is kind of the same.

I quickly went into my room to hopefully get a towel for there, I always had a few in my room for reasons I do not know, and there was the little shit holding my towel in his hand smirking.
I just gave him a mega death glare.
"See I am funny"he said laughing.
"Ha give me my towel"I said with no emotion what so ever.
"Not until you say I'm funny"He said swinging the towel, like the massive clocks that have the swinging things at the great description there.

I ran towards him and tried to grab it from him but he just jerked the towel higher so I couldn't reach...I'm small okay...I'm only just 5'0 and Taron is like 5'8 I know it isn't a massive difference but I still couldn't reach.

He then ran out the room, I started to follow....THUD...SMASH..."OWWW"
I ran out of my room to find Taron had slipped on a puddle of water and managed to hit into a glass table causing it to smash...what a Twat.
"Owww..."He said.
"You are such a twat, but are you okay...?"I asked concerned running to his side.
"Yeah, but my side really hurts..."He replied.
I turned him slightly to find a huge glass shard going through him, I gasped.
"Okay, stay here I need to get my phone"I told him running back to my room to grab my phone.
"Well I can't exactly get up can I"he said.
"Don't sass me bitch"I said walking back into the room.
I called for an ambulance and made sure Taron stayed awake...
"I'm in a bit of a bloody mess...aren't I"He said smiling.
"How are you still smiling, even though you have glass going through you?"I asked him smiling back.
"Trying to take my mind of it"He replied.
"Shit..."I said.
"What?"Taron asked weakly.
"I should probably get dressed"I said laughing looking at myself still in only my underwear.
"Na..I think you should even wear that to the hospital"Taron said laughing then stopping, probably because of the pain.
"Even when you are in pain you still manage to make those comments"I said shaking my head as I got up to go and quickly get a t-shirt and jeans on.

When I came back Taron had passed out...Shit...Shit...No...what is he has lost too much blood because it was all over the floor in a massive puddle surrounding him, what if he doesn't make it...FUCK?!

Seconds later the paramedics arrived and put Taron on a gurney and we both went into the ambulance and off we went to the hospital.

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