Getting to know Angel

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My name is Angel  hollow and I am a descendent of the most powerful Angel in history. My great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandmother Angel hollow whom I am named after, stopped the war between the fallens and the angels with her magic. Then she sent the fallens and demons to the underworld and we, the magical creatures stay in the magicalworld.

 Then she sent the fallens and demons to the underworld and we, the magical creatures stay in the magicalworld

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                ( This is Angel )

I'm currently attending a school for magical creatures called Magic school. The school is split up into two sides. One side is for normal student, the ones who are only one magical creature, and the other side is for student who are two magical creatures. For example, there is a girl at school who is half nymph and half fairy so she attends the two creature side. I also attend that side with most of my friends.

The school may be in the magical world but it is hell of me I am always getting bullied because of my one black wing. Oh did I forget to mention that I'm half Angel and half fallen Angel, well I am. My dad was a fallen and my mom is an Angel. The people who bully me always tell me to go back to hell where I belong. I don't think much of it so I just either ignore them or just tell them to fuck off.

The reason why I said my dad was a fallen is because he was killed right before our eyes. My mother was next to be beheaded for breaking the rules and falling in love with a fallen and for baring children with said fallen. Yes that's right children, I have two younger sisters but we are only one minute apart. We're triplets.

We were only five years old when they killed our father. My mother was about to face the same fate as my father. Until our aunts begged them to spare her. The elders respected the hollows, so they granted our aunts' wishes and spared our mother. And us.

The only condition was that we must not tell anyone who our father was. That plan was going very well until our wings came in. As you already know, I have one black wing and one white wing. My sister's wings are more angel-like then mine. The middle child, April, has grey wings and the youngest Arabeth has regular white wings with a little bit of black.

Anyways we're getting off track so lets get back to the story.

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