-Seventeen- * -This Is For Keeps.-

Start from the beginning

"Savannah, you an't blame yourself. I thought like that too, I asked myself the same question everyay for a year. Kent is cruel, horrible, and down right disgusting and vile. He would do it to anyone, I'm sure when he gets a new slave she will go through the same thing, she will be just as helpless."

"Kayla can I ask you something?" Kayla just nodded in response before Savannah continued. "How did you get here, I mean did you have a family at home, I remember you telling me you were eighteen and just in college, but did you have your mom, friends, a boyfriend?"

Savannah felt her stiffen but she regained her composure, she took a deep breather before answering Savannah's question. "Well as I said I had just started college, my boyfriend proposed to me, he was sweet, I used to love him with all I had but once ten years go by you learn to let go.."

Savannah felt bad for Kayla, but she never had family that lived, she didn't have friends so it was really hard for her to understand. "Last I knew, he was doing good, married to someone else and had kids already. I am almost thirty, it's believable.. Time flies when you're here. As far as family, I got along with my mother great, my father too, even though they were divorced.. I feel bad that you had to be taken so young like me, that's usually how it goes around here though"

Savannah nodded at Kayla. "Thank you, for everything." Savannah smiled as Kayla hugged her. "I'm here for you kiddo, if you need anything, I promise"  Nodding, once again Savannah felt slightly better getting to actually talk to someone. But there was one more person she had to talk to before going back to her room.

It was already eight at night when Savannah said her goodbye to Kayla. She was on her way to Payne's office, to discuss the matters with Kent. Once Payne's door came into view she knocked on it softly. "Enter, Savannah" Opening the door, then shutting it behind her softly, she took a seat.

Payne turned in his chair meeting her gaze. "I assume you came to discuss the matters about Kent?" Savannah just nodded in response. "What happens to him now?" She asked, cutting o the chase. "Well not much, he can't touch you, at all. I can't stop him form talking to him, my advice is to ignored him. You will no longer be cleaning his room, but that's a given."

Savannah gave him a confused look. "So he is not staying in custody?" Payne shook his head sternly. "No, he was only in there for two days, he gets released tomorrow, and you both will start your own thing" Savannah slammed her hand down on the arm rest of the chair she was sitting it.

"So that's it? You guys don't have any laws? He just get's to go free and do it to the next slave that walks into this place, or that's assigned to him?!" Payne glared at her sternly. "I suggest you watch your tongue, I won't be talking to like that, And it's three strikes you're out, he will be assigned another slave, but if he rapes his third he is out. He will not get another and he will be transferred downstairs with the special ones, who can't behave."

"Wow, Pardon me but that;s ridiculous" Savannah glared back at Payne. Instead of saying anything else she stood to leave, before hand thugh Payne had one other thing to say. "We are vampires, Savannah. It is in our blood to kill, you're lucky"

She stepped out directly after walking to her room immediately. Once she reached her room, she realized that there was one person she wanted to see ore than anyone. Walking to Vincent's room, didn't take long at all. 

Without knocking Savannah opened his door, entering quietly. "Vincent?" She asked softly. A tall figure came out from the bathroom, his hair was wet and luckily he was fully clothed. The water that dripped from Vincent's hair made Savannah blush, as she stared at him. He was truly perfect and beautiful.. feeling suddenly nervous, Savannah walked up to him.

Her hand caressed his cheek, she moved it to his neck pulling him down to her lips, before kissing him passionately. Vincent wrapped his arms around her small waist and deepened the kiss.

"I'm sorry" Savannah said softly. "It was wrong for me to think you understood" Vincent nodded in response, then looked into Savannah's eyes once more. "I'm sorry, for everything I said, it was wrong in so many ways, but you drive me crazy human"

Savannah looked confused as she looked deeply into Vincent's eyes. He smiled down at her.

At this moment she realized music was softly playing in the dimply lit room, a song she was yet familiar with, until Vincent sang along softly.

"Follow me into the sea, We'll drown together and immortalize you and me, Leave behind this lonely town, We're both better than this, it's not worth being down" After he sang he twirled Savannah softly, beginning to slow dance with her. 

Savannah's face felt hot to the touch, she knew she was blushing, but it didn't help the butterflies in her stomach to calm themselves.

"Oh my" She whispered softly as Vincent's face came back down to hers, only to kiss her again. When he stopped, he looked at her.

"Be my lover?"

[ Again sorry if this bothers you, like I said I don't usually write notes at the end. I hope oyu guys liten to the song, I heard it for the first time a few weeks ago and completely fell in love with it, as I was listening to music tonight it played on my playlist and I thought it was perfect for Vincent and Savanah. I'm sorry this took longer than it was supposed to. I was going to have it out last night, but I was out later than planned, it's life stuff comes up. I hope you enjoy this chapter! ]

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