When her breathing evens out, she brushes sweaty strands of hair out of her eyes and then tightly wraps her legs around Karlie before flipping them over. It takes the last ounce of strength she has in her body, and she leans down and presses an insistent kiss against Karlie's lips.

Taylor ends up getting to the airport two hours behind schedule, but at least she leaves in high spirits, with a lovesick grin on her face.


The day after Taylor leaves for London is bittersweet. Karlie wakes up without the blonde by her side, and instead sees her girlfriend's two cats staring at her. She blinks blearily and lets out a loud groan as she stretches out her body, her arms lifting into the air as a loud yawn rips through her. Olivia jumps on her chest the second she rolls onto her back, but Meredith keeps her distance, looking unbelievably unimpressed. The grey and white cat still hates her for making Taylor upset, and Karlie is certain that she's going to find cat poop in her shoes one day. It's a little weird how human Taylor's cats are at times. They both have their own little personalities, and Karlie can't help but love them, so it hurts that Meredith is still angry at her.

"When are you going to forgive me?" Karlie asks as she lifts Olivia off of her chest and makes eye contact with Meredith. She doesn't get an answer, obviously, but Meredith does side-eye her before slinking off of the bed and padding towards the door. 

"Alright, good talk." Karlie sighs and gets out of bed. She picks Olivia up because she's still on the smaller side, and Karlie still gets worried when the kitten jumps off the bed, despite her feline reflexes.

Taylor left her in charge of taking care of the cats and the apartment while she's gone, so Karlie makes sure the cats are fed and have water in their bowls before going about her morning routine. She is halfway through brushing her teeth when she pauses. She looks around Taylor's master bathroom and takes it in for a moment. Taylor has double sinks, and Karlie always uses the one on the left. The products she washes her face with are stacked in an organized row, and her hair brush is sitting next to Taylor's. Karlie continues to scrub at her teeth but she starts to take in things that she hadn't bothered noticing before. Since when was half of her makeup collection in here? And when did she bring over her hairdryer?

After she's finished brushing her teeth Karlie sits her toothbrush in the holder, in the spot right next to Taylor's. She stares down at it for a moment and then looks away, feeling a little strange as she wanders back into the bedroom to dress for the gym.

The fact that she has a plethora of options for what to wear to the gym also strikes her as strange. Almost all of her workout clothes are tucked away in the drawers of Taylor's dresser, and she even has two pairs of her running shoes tucked away in Taylor's walk-in closet.

Karlie tries not to think much of it, because it's a lot more convenient than walking all the way back to her apartment just to get dressed, but she still finds the whole thing a little disconcerting. She doesn't even remember bringing half of these things over, and it's interesting that everything seems to have a place. She wonders if Taylor has taken notice, and figures that the observant blonde surely has.

When Karlie gets down to the lobby, she is greeted by  two of Taylor's security members who have been left behind to make sure no one tries to burn down her apartment building or break in.

"I'm just heading out to the gym, I locked up." Karlie says as she slips her earbuds into her ears.

"Would you like us to escort you, Miss Kloss?"

Karlie does a double take, thoroughly surprised and caught off guard by the offer. "Uh...no, that's okay, but thank you. And it's Karlie, guys."

Both men nod, and then one holds the door open for her so she can slip outside. She shakes her head and decides to jog to the gym, needing to run off the strangeness of the morning.

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