Chapter 21

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Once they were gone, I rubbed my head and shoulder together until I got that damned blindfold off. At first, the bright light was blinding as the sun, and it took a while to get used to it. Unable to lift my hands to shield my eyes as I stood, I sat down, chains rattling, and managed to get one arm up to block the light.

Damn it, this is an awful time to have to pee.

I glanced around and sighed. At least they didn't try to take more than my shirt. I smirked as I remembered my highlight of the 80s; that went so poorly for them last time...

My sadistic chuckle died quickly as I looked around at my bleak situation. While my story certainly wouldn't end in the room I was trapped in, I still worried how much of it would be spent there. I don't want to live in this fishbowl like a lab rat, I thought sourly as I could barely see through the one-way windows as every lab worker came to peek in at me like a zoo animal.

I stared hard at the General to make him feel uncomfortable as he went to Professor Smith's side and stared at their catch.

Despite the soundproofing, I could hear their conversation thanks to my abilities. "You broke our agreement, Fulton. I asked for pristine condition," she said in her flat tone.

"Professor, in my defense, you didn't emphasize why it–"

"Stop the excuses, I directly ordered you to refrain from torturing him, and yet he's covered in bruises, you useless sack of sh*t." Even in an emotionless near-monotone she still sounded threatening.

Oh damn, she's mad... Pop the popcorn and dim the lights, it's imprisonment and a show.

"One to three years is what he said," Professor Smith continued. "Not a hundred. Not even ten. Every time you inflict pain on him, you're bringing him one step closer to freedom, and yet you give in to every single one of his taunts. What, is this project too personal for you?" she patronized him.

"No, of course not," he replied immediately. "I've spent a lifetime working for this–"

"Disobey me one more time I'll have all three of your stars, General," she threatened. "I could have you fired like that," she hissed, snapping her fingers.

The General was so mad he just stared angrily back out at me rather than meeting her gaze. "Yes Professor," he submitted, a little pale. Getting fired from a top-secret government job holding aliens probably wasn't a real option.

"Good man. Now go have him sealed up for the night and don't," she paused for effect, "hurt him. We need him. Alive."

How long does she intend to keep me here?

General Fulton strode down the halls to the back of my holding room, where a control room kept watch from the other side of the window. He turned a dial, and the lights dimmed sharply, though I could still faintly see the shapes of people in lab coats loitering around. They were joined by three more uniformed workers, who must be the night shift — they circled my cell like vultures, curious as cats.

I could see a dozen stationary men standing petrified and erect, tasers and guns slung over their shoulders take their place surrounding the room. One sneezed, shattering the image of professionalism.

Security cameras slowly turned back and forth, and I longed to move my sweaty, cramping fingers...but I knew that wouldn't happen for a long while.

I looked out the window, right in the eyes of one of the observers. They stared back. They had a million questions about me they wanted answered, but they weren't going to just ask me. Cause everything always need to be done the hard way... Stupid humans.

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