Chapter 11

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"Yes!" Kaitlin squealed, jumping up and down as I agreed to trade a kiss for her memories.

Let's just get it over with.

I gulped as she looked deep into my eyes, her mind racing as she was determined to live out her dream before it vanished. Gently, she pressed her lips up against mine, her hand resting on my chest.

Surprisingly, she didn't try to snog me or jump on me — I sensed a solemn change in her demeanor as she knew this was the funeral for a big part of her life.

There was a light smack as she leaned away, looking bewildered, my lips still tingling from contact. "Your lips are really soft," she said quietly.

"Put your forefingers on my temples," I instructed her coldly, resting mine on hers.

"This is goodbye then?" she asked hesitantly, her eyes tearing up.


"Oh, wow, okay, um...good luck with the whole...powers and CIA thing," she said, her voice cracking as she tried to keep her composure despite the panic rising in her.


"And," she sniffed and set her fingers on my temples, "I don't believe you when you say you're incapable of love. Psychopaths don't turn their lives inside out to help other people, especially a different species."

I sighed again. How is it some humans see so much good where there is none? Because humans can lie to themselves, unlike me. "Goodbye, Kaitlin."

She nodded, a tear escaping her eye and rolling down her cheek.

It only took me a few seconds. She gasped at first, her breath stolen from her, until fading to a head-splitting whimper. I removed her memory of the conversation in the practice room, of the crash scene, and all the memories she had dedicated to her crush on me.

May I just say that a teen girl's mind is really scary to wallow through... There were so many insecurities, I swore I'd need a shower afterwards.

I did my best to avoid brain damage in Kaitlin. The procedure went very smoothly thanks to her consent, but I knew there'd still be an impact. It really hurts, both mentally and physically, to have memories of love dragged, kicking and screaming, from your mind. It leaves a hole of mysterious, airy emotion that got left behind.

That morning, I could feel it. Jacob didn't want to be rude, but I made him jittery and anxious after I erased his memory. Why? He didn't know, but I made his skin crawl. He just knew that he was scared of me.

Now, Kaitlin was going to feel deeply in love with something she couldn't quite remember, and spend much of her life chasing after things to fill that hole. If I have to remove any or all of Mom's memories, she's going to feel a big gap of sadness that she will never quite be able to place... She'd be sad. Very sad. Like her very meaning was ripped from her. And she wouldn't even know why.

Kaitlin, overall, lost nearly eight months. That's how much time she spent mooning over me, while only a few hours of it was the crash, the aftermath, and this morning. Because I had to remove so much time, she'd be unconscious for a good minute or so. She'd better hurry if she doesn't want to be late for class.

I opened the practice door knelt on the ground, holding Kaitlin. Meredith and Theresa were still outside the door, and gasped to see her unconscious.

"Oh my god, she must've been so nervous she couldn't take the pressure..." Meredith gasped.

Theresa's eyes stretched wide as I sensed terror from her. She believes in my powers...but she's handling this well.

I scooped Kaitlin up and carried her to a band chair, where Meredith fanned her with her hands. "Oh, Katie, wake up!"

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