Truthfully die. (Sasuke's point of view.)

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I woke up with a head ache, not caused by the alcohole, since I'd sobered up before passing out. I sat in a very uncomfortable chair with my hands bound behind my back and my legs bound to the chair legs. I scrunched my eyes, before twitching them open, to see the blue haired, angel eyed, butterfly princess, siren in the same position as me. Strapped to the chair in a deep, head aching sleep. I growled and squinted my eyes in anger as I activated chidori to burn the bines. "Arhh, fuck!" I growled in pain. It seemed that the binds had been soaked in water and I couldn't use Atamaratsu in that situation. 

The room was dark, dusty and stingy, full of thick, stail air that scratched at lungs. I glanced back to Takara as I heard her shift. I noticed her head bleeding and grew my eyes. "S-shi-t." She studdered, a voice barely above a whisper.

"Takara." I whisper- yelled back, streaching out my cramped up neck.

She lifted her head slightly to gaze into my eyes. "Sasuke." She smiled, her chapped lips cracking and bleeding as the skin streached and broke. "They want information out of us." She tried dispercing but she couldn't move once she did. She was soaked to the bone, drenched in ice cold water. "I-I'm so cold."

My eye brows tilted up for a second, before returning to narrow my eyes as they shifted down, again. "I know. How much chakra do you have left?"

"Enough to escape but not enough to fight, they drained me." I saw her arms shift and knew she was making hand signs. I just watched her hair fly and her lips move as she cast the wind style technique to dry her body so she could fly away, once disperced.

I smirked at her. She looked like a total mess but she was still the most beautiful thing I'd layed eyes on. "You don't need to fight, I can do that." I finally saw her hue of black and blue fly through the air and out of the binds. 

"We need to hurry, I can feel Danzo coming and AMBU, outside guarding." Her voice echoed in a quiet whisper at my ear. The butterflies fluttered over my skin and snapped the bines with small amounts of chakra.

I rolled my wrists to hear the joints make clicking noises as I stood. "That's okay." I hummed, lifting the fabric of my shirt slightly. "Hide and tell me how I should approch any situation if I have a mental blank, I probebly will due to the alcohole." I mumbled, feeling the light tickle at my torso, from the winged creatures.

"Okay, but if anything happenes I'll interfear." I growled and narrowed my eyes at her comment.

"No, stay hidden and stay quiet." I spoke, stepping cold stumbles towards the door. I formed chidori's blue hued sparks in my hand and smashed the door down, along with the other guards to see Danzo. His covered, wrinkled face infuriating me. "Danzo." I hissed.

"Where's your girlfriend?" He spat, dropping the sling around his arm to reviel red, Sharingan eyes and that told me what I feared; He was in on giving Itachi the mission of exterminating my clan.

I narrowed my eyes further and created one arm of the Sasuno's purple haze, squeezing him, firmly."That's none of your concern." I hissed watching his body dissapear and be replaced by a crimsen mess, oozing from inbetween the fingers of my purple hazed deamon. "You should be focusing on me."

I felt one of Takara's butterflies flutter and crawl over my skin, to my ear whispering the words I was least expecting. "Sasuke, it's not over." My eyes grew and I spun on my heals, before narrowing them, again as I came to the same wretched face, I thought I'd just distroyed. I growled and clentched my fists. "Those Sharingan eyes on your arm, how did you obtain them?" I hissed.

"You should have a pretty good idea, not that you'd want to believe as such but it's no differnt from that Imarne girl, you cling to." His voice rumbled in an old croke from his throat. 

Mystery Girl- Sasuke's treasureحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن