Rebuilding and reviving.

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I was cleaning up the kitchen, as I always do at six o'clock in the arfternoon. I ran my fingers along the white, fluffy, foamy bubbles, in my hand as I dragged the sponge across the table top. I smiled at the feel of popping at my skin.

Uncle Vini had just died and Auntie Kara told me that I wasn't allowed to go to the funeral. She said I had to think of a punishment and if she saw a smile on my face when she got back, I'd be in danger. I sighed, turning my head over towards the cold, steal sink and reached for the knife, on the drying rack. "She thinks I killed him, she thinks I'm a liar. The only way to get her to think the oppisite is to lie to her and say that I did such a crime I didn't commit, I didn't kill him, he was sick, for years."  I whispered to myself, stepping over to the sink and curling my fingers over the handle of the steak knife. "Oh well, she's older than me, she knows more so maybe I did." I raised the blade to rest it's cold surface against my lip, before sliding it down to my chin.

"Stop!" I heared a girl cry out. I spun on my heals and placed the knife down on the table. That girls heartbeat felt just like mine but a faster tempo and a higher pitch. She stepped towards me and crouched down to my level. "Look what they've done to you and you're still smiling." Her voice held silent tears as she wiped away the warm liquid pouring down my chin.

"I always smile, it makes me feel better." I giggled, stearing at her through blind eyes.

"That's good, I'm glad." She smiled back, through her words as she shifted closer, to have our forheads touch as her lashes tickled mine, showing me what had happened at my birth. "You're my Sister, I'm here to take you out of here and bring you home."

I nodded and grinned. "I know, Izari. You just prooved it and I'm glad, I don't like it here." I told her.

"I know." She smiled.

"Izari, they're coming!" I heared a voice, yell out from outside.

"We have to go, now. Keep your head down." She warned, pulling me into her, before sprinting down the halls and out the door. "Itachi, I got her, let's go!" She spoke, setting me down and joulting me as she ran. I felt somone elses heart beat with hers, in harmony and time. It was a dark, yet warm beat as it rumbled to my feet with each step at the gravle crunching beneith us.

I heard yelling from a crowd of evil, humiliated, envious hearts but it faded, thank god. I was safe, we were safe. "She's cute." The boys voice was calm and collected and held a smile as he crouched down to my level. "Hey, sweety." He greeted.

"Hello, what's your name?" I asked, grinning.

"My name is Itachi, I assume that your name is Takara, correct?" He asked, politely. I nodded, still grinning. "You're just as pretty as your Sister." He smiled through his words.

I giggled. "How pretty is that?"

"Very." He spoke, shifting up to his normal height, again.

"Thanks." I blushed. No one was ever nice to me, no one, ever.

"Thank you, Itachi. I coudn't have done this without you." Izari giggled through her words, hugging Itachi.

I felt Itach's heart hitch on a beat, before regaining it's normal pattern. "No problem." He breathed, wrapping his arms around the older Imarne.

"But sieriously, I owe you, now." She sighed, melting into him.

I felt him smirk and shift her head up to look at him. "In that case, I do have a favor to ask of you." She was silent, waiting for a responce, for a second. He leaned into her, having his lips graze against hers. "Be my love." He whispered, just quiet enough for my ears to miss it, though I could still understand him from the movments of his mouth. I could feel it through the ground and at my feet. 

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