The curing of nightmares.

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I had that moment with Sasuke replay in my head over an over again as I walked through the village. Farther will think it's a good plan but it wasn't the plan I had, I was only told to keep an eye on Sasuke and that's it, I never wanted to feel this but even so it felt like an amazing drug.

"Sakura, hey, where are you going?" I asked as I saw her about to enter Ino's florist.

"Sasuke's in hospital so I'm buying him flowers and going to visit him." I froze in shock, my eyes grew and I sprinted towards the hospital as fast as I could before she could say another word.

I made it there quickly and sent my butterflies to find him as I haulted for just a second to find him in that amount of time. His heart beat and breathing were playing up again. I ran into the room the see him in a fear filled sleep. "Sasuke, wake up." I grabbed his hand and wrapped my fingers around his thumb as I did when he stayed with me when I was in the hospital. "You'd probebly sigh if you coud hear me but Sakura is coming and she's bringing flowers from Ino's shop, which means Ino will come to so you need to wake up." I put my other hand to his heart to feel it beating to the same tone but faster tempo just as before and burried my head inside my elbow to show me only darkness, ebony, just like those piercing, enchanted eyes. The momory of those eyes took me to a fear filled sleep.

I could hear voices speak his name in relief and I felt movment close to me. "Sakura, your crushing me." I spoke in a sleepy tone, my eyes remaining closed. I felt her torso crush over me to hug Sasuke but he was asleep so she couldn't have been hugging him. Unless...

 I felt Sakura pull away and I shook off the thought just to feel my hand being squeezed and Sasuke's heart beat slow  undernieth my other hand. "Takara." That voice, that voice was his. I froze and flung my head up to show me what I heared and felt. Those enchanted eyes again pierced there way through mine. He pulled his free hand from the sheets and took my fringe away from my eyes. "You should get your fringe trimed." His face just held dispair and pain but his voice had the softest tone of relief that he'd escaped that nightmare.

"S-Sasuke, your aw-" I felt that drug taking me on a high again. My lips being taken on a joy ride with his crashing against mine. "Don't you ever end up in a state like that again." I blurted at him and nuzled my head into his shoulder. I couldn't hear anything else I just felt my worrying float away with the wind. He pulled me closer to him so I was now on the hospital bed next to him with a sturdy grip around my waist. My arms snaked themselves around his neck. Poulse to poulse, heart to heart, breath to breath.

I heard someone running out of the room and crying, quietly. It sounded like Sakura. I pulled my head up to see she wasn't in her seat anymore. "What's with her?" 

"I-I dont know. That's not important at the moment, what is important is that your okay!" I blurted again to feel his hands tighten around me. "It was Itachi, wasn't it?" I whispered. He nodded sadly and stared down. I glided my hands gently from his neck to his hair and lifted his head to meet his eyes. Dark obsidian glowing infront of me, performing a magical dance right before mine. I tilted my head slightly and kissed him again to be taken on another high.

I stayed with him for the rest of the day, night came and he was asleep, still holding on to me. Sakura came in again with a sour look on her face and more flowers for Sasuke. "I see you're still here." She spat.

"Um, Sakura, are you okay?" I whispered, trying not to wake up a sleepy Uchiha.

"No, I'm not okay! You stole the guy I'm in love with from me!" She cursed in a heart shattering tone as she arranged the flowers in the vase by the window ledge, violently.

"I-I'm sorry, Sakura but I-" I was cut off with a slap to the face that made Sasuke move.

Sasuke lifted his head and made contact with my tear filled eyes. "You're not my friend anymore, Takara! I hate you. Sasuke dosen't love you, either." She spat again, making Sasuke's expression turn to anger.

"Sakura, I never had my eyes set on anyone before but then you came along." My expression changed from shock to sadness. "You came along and made me feel-" I waited for my heart to stop beating again. "You made me feel sick as I looked at your attempts to get to me and then I started to think you'd be my friend but now that you hit the only girl my eyes were ever set on I feel sick even thinking about you so get out." Sasuke pointed to the door, not taking his eyes off mine.

"W-what?" Sakura started spilling tears from her eyes and her hand to her lips.

"Get out!" He hissed, making her run away again. "You're pretty when you cry too." He spoke as he wiped my tears away. I was just frozen, I couldn't move at all. "I'm not encouraging you, though." The corners of my lips had been tugged on by that comment. 

"Tsh." I let out a tiny giggle and tilted my head down just to have it tilted up again.

"She's wrong." He started, staring into me like my eyes were open doors. "I do love you." he whispered.

"I-I-I love y-you too." I whispered back as my eyes fell shut and another kiss was stolen from my lips. He pulled away and lay down to have me follow. We just layed there stearing into each others eyes until we drifted off to a fantersy filled sleep. 

I woke up in the bed without a Sasuke so I sent my butterflies, just to check if he was doing anything stupid. I was right. On the roof top of the hospital shooting a chidori at Naruto. Naruto on the other hand shooting him a rasengan. I disperced into my title insect and flew there in a swarm to change back to my normal form. "Crystal style: Jade prison!" I yelled to trap the two idots in a sparkling, red-ish, pink dome of crystal. Their jutsu's had been cancled out by mine.

"Takara, go away!" Sakura screamed in tears.

"For your imfomation, Sakura, I came here to stop those two from killing each other. Would you rather me let them die?!" I asked with venom in my tone.

"I'd rather you go away!" She screamed again.

"Shut up! It's a free country and I didn't do anything wrong so shove your anger up your arse and if you don't want to be my friend than just leave me alone! I can't deal with losing anyone else so just don't judge me when I act on instinct! Espesually when I'm saving others lives!" I screamed and disperced into butterflies again. I turned to my natural form and walked the streets of the village I've always wanted to be in. I'm not so sure anymore. The only thing keeping me here is my mission. And heart. I saw Ino with Shika and Choji. I walked passed trying to aviod what I was expecting to happen. Failure.

I felt my head spin to my shoulder and my cheek burn. "How dare you even touch him!" She yelled.

"Ino, calm down! What the hell!?"  Shikamaru's voice was harsh and shocked, mating his expression."I can't deal with both you and her, Ino. I didn't do anytthing wrong." I cried and sprinted away to leave Choji and Shikamaru frozen in shock and Ino filled with hate.

I ran as fast as I could to the training grounds, trying to bring back good memories but the more I tried the worse the memories got. I stared at the tree I'd pinned Sasuke to that day when we were fighting and traced my fingers along the marks my Kunai had left. I truned my body quickly, slammed my back into the bark and slid down to send splinters through my clothes and into my skin. I hit my forhead to my knees and dug my nails into the back of my neck in fustration. I felt that scar at my palms and it made me see her in pain again. Crying, screaming, scratching, rolling, kicking, swearing, feeling, seeing. All I'd ever known had come back to me.

"Hey, whatn happened back there?" I heared Shika's voice distracting me. Thank god.

"Jealousy." I awnsered looking up with stained cheeks at the shadow nin.

"Sasuke?" He sighed with his palm to his face. "Troublsome." He walked over to me and sat down next to me, pulling me into a side hug.

I froze and my eyes grew big. "Shika-" 

"Don't get used to this." I choked out a giggle when I looked up to see his cheeks a bit pink.

"Thank you." I murmered, snapping back to reality.

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