Training for the final round. (Sasuke's point of view.)

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I was on my way to meet Kakashi at the training grounds when I saw Takara being smothered by little kids. Her long, sky blue hair was being tangled into a plat by a few girsl around the age of seven years old or eaight. Her face was covered by her mask over her mouth and nose and the cloth over her eyes, leaving only her cheeks and the bridge of her nose in sight. Her outfit as always was her usual purple top that was attached to her mask and hilted over her shoulders. Her netting started untieth her chest and covered all of her stomch, her skirt was alot like Sakura's with the black short shorts undernieth. She sat there on the bench with her mask in crinkles as she kept her smile as she sung.

Such a voice I'd have never imagin come from her mouth. Such eyes I never thought she'd posses. She was facinating in every way; her eyes, her origanal jutsu's, her covered up face, the story behind her sister, her knolage of me and my brother. Everything drew me in like a moth to light.

I knew Kakashi was going to be late as usual so I walked up to near where she was and listened as she sung to the kids playing with her velvety hair. "I'm gonna pick up the pieces and build a lego house, If things go wrong we can knock it down." She smiled as her eyes hit mine. "My three words have two meanings and there's one thing on my mind; it's all for you. It's dark in the cold december but I got you to keep me warm, if your broken I'll mend ya and keep you sheltered from the storm thats raging on"  I smirked at her from accros the street as people started smiling at her. "I'm out of touch , I'm out of love, I'll pick you up when you're getting down and out of all these things I've done I'll love you better now, I'm out of sight, I'm out of mind, I'll do it all for you in time and out of all these things I've done, I'll love you better now." She looked to the ground as the groups staring at her grew "Okay, that's all folks." She blushed making me grow my smirk more at her shyness.

Everyone sighed and walked away in dissapointment so I walked over to her, hands in pockets as I do alot of the time. "Why so shy?" I asked, emotionless.

"Um, I-I don't know. I just-uh-eyes!" She blurted as her eyes transported quickly from one direction to the other.

"Ts, speaking of eyes you never awnsered my question." I started. She looked up at me, with her cloth covered eyes with an innocent expression through the fabric. "If you didn't steal those eyes, how did you get them?" I asked dominating her.

"They were a gift." Her innocents turned to dominance, almost overtaking mine as she lean back in comfort on the bench she was sitting on.

"You're facinating." I stated, turning my expression to nothing as I walked away.

The last thing I heard from her covered lips was. "So are you, Sasuke." She spoke in a silky tone almost like she was singing again but her voice was just as artistic as if she was, anyway. The earth slowed, well, that's what it felt like, my eyes got heavy and slid almost completly shut and I couldn't feel anything at all, numbness was surrounding me in a haze of the butterfly girls voice and then after a few seconds I snapped back to reality, almost tripping as I exited the world she took me to. What just happened? Did she use a genjutsu? What was going on? Was I deaming? Did I black out?

I slowed as I walked away to meet Kakashi at the training grounds and played back the memory over and over in my head; trying to figure out what had just happened.  "Who is she?" I whispered to myself.

"Who is who?" I spun around as I saw Kakashi. I didn't even know I was at the training grounds yet. What the hell is going on with me today? 

"That Takara girl, she's strange." I muttered with a blank face of palness.

"Takara Imarne is also known as 'The Singing Butterfly' because of obviously how she turns weapons into butterflies when they make contact and she sings. She's a sound village girl of course. That's all I know." Kakashi explained.

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