Chapter 18: The Maze of Roses

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Queen Titania and King Oberon stood at the edge of the landing platform jutting out of the side of their castle with Selvina and Tinkerbelle standing before them. Off to the side, Thumbelina and Cornelius watched silently. The queen held a small pouch in her hands and offered it to Selvina, a gentle smile on her face.

"This is dust from my wings," she said in her soft voice. "The king has given you some from his as well. Use it sparingly, Selvina, as it is all we can give you."

"Don't you let Pan get his hands on that pouch," King Oberon growled. "Fairy dust from sovereign fairies is the most potent kind there is."

Selvina grabbed the offered pouch and opened it, looking inside. Blinding white light flared into her eyes, forcing her to close it and pull the drawstrings tight. She blinked rapidly, recovering her vision, and then fixed her gaze on the king and queen and bowed low. "I thank you for this with all my heart, your highnesses. I promise you that I won't let Pan take this from me. I'll defend it with my life."

"Good," King Oberon barked as the queen nodded slowly.

Queen Titania then placed a small white cube in Selvina's hand and closer her fingers around it. "Eat this when you are ready. It shall return you to your regular size."

Selvina curled her toes nervously, her feet now in leather boots offered by the queen earlier that morning, and nodded curtly. "I will."

Tinkerbelle then stepped forward and slapped a fist over her heart and furrowed her brow. "I will gladly give my life to ensure that Pan never touches fairy dust ever again, my king and queen. I will do all I can to safeguard Selvina and ensure that peace finds the kingdom of Celustaria once again. You have my word."

The king and queen nodded and offered Tinkerbelle, their best fighter, a short bow in a show of great respect.

"Be careful out there, Tink," Thumbelina said as she walked up to her friend and gave her a tight hug. Tinkerbelle hugged her back strongly.

Cornelius gave Selvina a pat on the back and a wink. "The entire race of fairies in Wonderland is counting you, Selvina. No pressure."

Selvina rolled her eyes and failed at hiding a smile. "Yes, of course, no pressure."

"You'll be fine," Cornelius reassured, giving her a light punch in the arm. He nodded his head toward Tinkerbelle. "You'll have the best warrior we can offer watching your back. You'll have nothing to worry about." He started to walk away but then turned around and raised a finger, as if remembering something. " strong and don't do anything stupid. If you get in a bad situation just ask yourself what I would do!"

The fairy royal family said their farewells as Tinkerbelle turned to Selvina and eyed her directly, a hard expression on her face. "Are you ready?"

Selvina held the gaze and nodded as her heart began to beat rapidly. This was it. She was now going to the castle where she'd meet Pan, Goldilocks, Wendy, and the queen that had a liking for beheadings. Selvina hoped she would find Rapunzel on the way but her focus now was saving Goldilocks and Wendy. She debated whether finding help first would be the better option but she had no time to waste. For all she knew Wendy and Goldilocks were already—NO! She had to believe that they were still alive and well.

With her back straight, her brows furrowed, and the pouch of powerful fairy dust wrapped around her wrist, Selvina remained perfectly still. Tinkerbelle gathered some dust from her own wings and then sprinkled it over Selvina's head.

The two then left Celustaria behind them, never looking back.


The journey through the forest was long and took most of the day but they encountered no dangers. The closer they came to the castle the quieter the forest became and when they reached the edge of a massive field Selvina could only hear the flutter of Tinkerbelle's wings and the beating of her own heart.

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