Chapter 17: Princess Balaura

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Sultan Ali Baba was a man of age, wisdom, and worldly experience. Sinbad informed Red and the others that he had sustained a vast amount of wealth by finding a thieves' den and discovering their hoard inside. His faithful slave girl had alerted him to a plot to kill his son after he had been found out but she had managed to stealthily kill the leader of the thieves and thwart the plot. In gratitude, Ali Baba had freed her and given her great riches.

"She now resides in the southwest province of Sauradia known as Ra'ik," Sinbad said as they waited outside the audience chamber for the Sultan to address them. "It's a beautiful province with a tropical environment and plenty of security as most of Sauradia's richest families live there. The Sultan had asked her if she had wanted to marry his son but she had politely declined, choosing to live out her life of freedom first before tying down with a husband."

"Where is his son now?" asked Belle as she leaned against the wall, her arms crossed over her chest.

"He is in charge of Sauradia's treasury and is seldom seen."

"So he's not anyone we can try and persuade to help us?" Hook asked gruffly.

Sinbad shook his head. "I have never met him but I doubt he would be willing to spend a single coin for us."

Prince Aladdin had left them in the hall after entering the audience chamber to speak to his father-in-law and Red wondered what he was telling him in there. Was he speaking of them and attempting to deny them a ship? He had appeared generally concerned upon hearing news of The Writer but it could have been a farce to give them all false hope. He appeared to despise Sinbad and Red wouldn't be surprised if he had raised their spirits only to take delight in watching them crumble, especially Sinbad's. Red scratched behind Bigbad's ear as the large wolf lay down and rested and hoped that the fearsome-looking prince could be trusted.

"What about the slave girl?" Cindy asked. "You said she is quite wealthy. Do you think she'd be willing to help us if the sultan doesn't?"

Sinbad shrugged. "I have met her only once and...we did not do much speaking."

Red rolled her eyes and sighed. "Who did you anger now?"

"No one as she was with no one. She has yet to find herself a husband, despite the urgings of the Sultan himself to do so. He does not wish for her to spend her riches foolishly as that would paint him as a fool and Sultan Ali Baba is no fool."

"The mayor of Kenmard is a fool and his people call him one all the time," Cindy noted with a raised eyebrow. "Why does he care so much if he is called a fool?"

"A Sultan always has those wishing to take his place. High Flame Gaphir's desire for power is known to all and though for now he is on the Sultan's side, I would not put it past him to take his place if the people began to lose faith in him. He cannot force Marjeneh, his former slave girl, to wed as though he has the power to do so, it would be seen as an insult to the common folk."

Jack yawned. "All this political talk is making me sleepy. Can we just barge in? I don't hear much happening on the other side of these doors."

"You don't want to ruin our only chance at getting a ship, Jack," Hook said with a growl. "I don't like waiting this long either but we have to follow the rules for now if we want to get what we came here for." He shook his head and slammed his right fist against the wall, the pound echoing down the halls around them. "Damn Pan for taking everything from me! To have to take such extensive measures for the simple acquisition of a ship is ridiculous." He then calmed somewhat and sighed sadly. "Wendy had always pushed me to keep some of my riches somewhere on shore, away from the dangers of the sea, but I had wanted them with me at all times. I should have listened to her..."

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