Chapter 19: The White Rabbit

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"NO!" cried out a little voice that caused Selvina to stop moving her hand. "No! No! No! No! No!"

Selvina looked up to see a white rabbit in a blue waistcoat hopping frantically in her direction, urging her to close the pouch. She pulled on the drawstring, more of out of caution than obedience, and the bright light vanished, the maze dim once again. The white rabbit, upon reaching her, placed its white forepaws, which were more like hands, on top of Selvina's and looked her in the eyes with its large round ones.

Breathing rapidly, the rabbit said in a soft and hurried voice, "Don'teverdothat! Nevernevernevernever!" After catching its breath its voice slowed slightly. "The fairy dust is precious and more dangerous than you could ever know! Never open that pouch! You must never open it!"

Selvina frowned and pulled her hands and the pouch away from the white rabbit. "Queen Titania gave this to me to help me. It's not dangerous."

"Oh, but it is! It is! It is! It is!"

"Who are you anyway? Why do you care what I do with the fairy dust?"

"Tinkerbelle sent me."

Tinkerbelle? Selvina's frown disappeared and she eyed the rabbit in a new light. Was it true, then? Had Tinkerbelle truly gone to get help? Were the fairies not tricking her? "Where is she?"

"She is not here. No. No. No. She is gone to the surface world. She met me on the way and told me to come find you."

"The surface world?"

"Yes! I asked her why she would do something so foolish but she didn't answer me. She told me that finding you was more important and that if I didn't hurry that I would be late. I dreadfully hate being late and had I tarried longer I indeed would have been! Promise me that you will never open that pouch!"

Selvina took a deep breath, deeply comforted by the rabbit's words, and nodded. "I promise that this pouch will always stay closed."

The rabbit wiped its brow with one hand and sighed in relief. "Phew! That is good to hear. Now, Tinkerbelle told me that you wanted to see the queen?"

"Yes, can you help me get to her?"

"Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes, I can! I am the queen's trumpeter, you know! I know the way through this maze and will get you through posthaste!"

"Thank you," Selvina said, slipping the closed pouch back in its hiding spot. She stood up, feeling the warmth of courage and hope chase away the coldness of fear and doubt away. The white rabbit tugged on her dress and begged her to move faster thus she set off a gentle jog. The rabbit hopped ahead, leading her down one path and another. It seemed to know exactly where it was going and Selvina struggled to keep up with it.

"Can you slow down?" she asked as she felt sweat begin to bead all over her body. Breathing was becoming more difficult and once again Selvina regretted not taking gym class more seriously. The rabbit slowed to a stop and waited for her to catch up, one of its large feet patting the ground impatiently. It produced a pocket watch from its coat and looked down at it.

"You're going to be late!" it cautioned, pointing at its watch.

Selvina stopped to catch her breath, leaning her hands on her knees and inhaling deeply. She tossed some hair out of her eyes and raised an eyebrow at the little rabbit. "Late for what?"

"Tea time!"

Selvina gave the rabbit a frightening glare and its long ears flattened against its back as it stared at her with wide eyes, its body trembling. In a voice dripping with venom, Selvina hissed, "Don't talk to me about tea time!"

A Tale That Could Not Be  [Book 2 of Selvina's Tale series]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora