Show Me What You've Got, Soldier

Start from the beginning

"Bam," you whispered as your side touched his. Bucky chuckled queitly.

"Now the other side."

"Bam." You both said at the same time and laughed.

"Now we could also step forward and spin so we kind of change positions."

"Please, demonstrate."

"Okay so do the same thing as before," he told you and you stepped forward, he did too. "Now you just continue your way, step forward with your left leg," and you did. "Now just spin around so you're facing me."

"Oh, this is a piece of cake!" You said very proudly. "Oh we should totally eat some cake after this."

Bucky laughed as he shook his head, "Sure, but not yet I still have so much to teach you. Okay now, after the side bumps—"

"Bam," you whispered and grinned like an idiot. Bucky narrowed his eyes at you but laughed again, "I'm going to raise my left arm and I'll walk under there and spin around," You watched him walk under your arms and you waited for him to continue. "Now I'll spin you around and you come back in front of me." And you repeat the move few more times.

"This is too easy, Barnes! Teach me something difficult."

"Soon, I'll teach you the easy moves first. Have patience."


"What the fuck?!" You groaned as you failed the move once again.

"Hey, Y/N, calm down this is a hard move."

"It's too difficult!"

"You wanted to learn the hard moves."

"Well I didn't know you were a damn expert!"

Bucky rolled his eyes and grabbed your hands again. "Now listen to me." You nodded. "Step towards me. Don't let go of my hands. Now we lift our arms up behind our heads."

"I do not get this move," you muttered but did as you were told.

"Now just walk a full circle and just step back, now you can let this hand—," he said as he slightly shook your left hand, "—go and we slide the others as we step back, so we're holding them again. You ready?"

"I think so..."

"Let go," you let go, "Step back and sliiiiide."

"Oh my God, I did it!"

"Now that we're in the hand shaking position, I'll just turn you around as I step forward," you started to turn away but Bucky stopped you, "the other way," you apologised quietly and spun under your arms. "Now I'll take your right hand with my other hand and I'll spin you around again and then you'll be in front of me like in the beginning."

You did as he told, you stayed still, your hand was draped around his back as he switched hands, you spun around and you were in the same position where you started from. "We nailed it!" You cheered. You lifted your left hand and Bucky raised his right one. You gave each other a high five. "We make great partners, you know."

"We really do," Bucky smiled warmly down at you. "Do you think we can really start dancing now?"

"Let's try that."


Hours later, you were still dancing, laughing even singing loudly to the music, hitting wrong notes because you're howling with laughter. You might have messed up a few times but you just laughed it off and continued dancing.

You were getting a bit tired but as you looked at Bucky, you really didn't want to stop. Not only because you enjoyed dancing with him but because he, too, looked to be having so much fun.

You were so focused on each other that you didn't even notice the others watching you two. They were all in awe, surprised how you made it look so easy.

"I can't believe Y/N is swing dancing but still refuses to take ballet classes with me," Natasha scoffs. "Wasn't this supposed to be their first time hanging out alone?" She whispered to Steve.

"Yes, the very first time." Steve replied, small smile playing on his lips as he watched the two of you. Stifling a laugh at every 'bam' sound you made when your sides bumped against each other.

"It sure doesn't seem like it." Commented Clint.

"I wouldn't get Metal-Man to dance like that with me even if we had known each other for decades." Tony scoffed.

"I think you'd need more than just years of knowing him," muttered Wanda.

"Yeah, you'd need to get him really drunk." Pietro snickered. "With the Asgardian drink."

"Man of Iron, you say the word and I'll—"

"As much as I'd like to see that, I think I'd rather watch this."

And they all quieted down, watching you two laughing, singing, just dancing. You made it seem like you've been doing it for years.

By now you were completely out of tune with your singing, you were just shouting the lyrics. Bucky wasn't singing as much but he was laughing a lot. As Steve looked at you two, he couldn't help but wonder when was the last time Bucky had smiled and laughed this much. Maybe you just had that kind of effect on him.

As the song ended, Bucky wrapped you right in front of him, he held your hands as your arms were crossed in front of you and you leaned back gently, Bucky supporting you while you kicked up one of your legs.

You and Bucky were surprised by the applause and you both turned your head towards to where the sound came from, both of your eyes wide, your cheeks blushing not just from dancing but from the embarrassment of the situation.

"Nice gumdrop, how long have you been practicing that?" You quickly stood up, and unwrapped yourself from Bucky, "How long have you been standing there?"

"Since your singing started to sound like a dying donkey." Tony laughed and you hid your face in your hands. "But your dancing was great, took most of the attention away from your singing."

"Yeah your dancing was okay." Steve mumbled as he crossed his arms.

"You're just mad because you still don't know how to dance," Bucky mocked him.

"Shut up, jerk."

"Punk," Bucky shot back. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and you looked up at him with a raised brow. "So how about the cake? It's not raining anymore."

"Yeah let's go, I'm actually a little hungry." You smiled and started heading towards the exit. "You guys wanna come?"

"Nah, I think we'd better clean up. You two can spend some more quality time."

You shrugged and walked to the elevator. "So what did you think about swing dancing?" Bucky asked as you stepped in the elevator.

"It was really fun, I had the best teacher ever."

"You're the best student ever. You only almost threw a tantrum."

You glared at him and said, "Steve is right you are a bit of a jerk."

"So do you think we could... Do it again?"

"Yeah, we should find a 1940s themed bar or something."

"And show off with our amazing dancing skills."

"Show everyone how it's done."

"It's a date."

"You're finally going to take me dancing." You two stepped out of the elevator and headed outside. "Not today, I'm done with dancing for today. Let's just go eat some cake."

"Maybe on Saturday? Do you have anything planned for Saturday?"

"No I'm free on Saturday after I've had training. You want to go dancing on Saturday?" Bucky nodded and you smiled. "It's a date."

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