My Background as a Christian

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I was raised in a Protestant family and my parents had always inculcated in me a love for God.

We went to a local church where I met friends but this church collapsed because of some really personal stuff. My parents, who served a lot, were dismayed by what happened. Because of this, I did not really take my religion seriously for many years until last 2015. I felt like it was useless.

My relationship with God began to dwindle and listening to the sermons never made sense to me. I only prayed to God and talked a lot to Him when I was in great need and I also felt like giving up whenever trials came my way. I would blame God for my sufferings and I found joy in worldly things. I thought I would go to hell, but now, I realize that because of Jesus Christ, I am saved!

As I grew up, I began to feel the need to go to church. One of my mom's really good friend told her about Victory, a church in our city which is a part of a bigger group of churches all over the world. We started going there and on my first Sunday (June 2015), I cried as soon as I began singing along to one of the worship songs performed at the church. I do not remember which song but what I do remember is how wonderful it felt. It was the Holy Spirit working inside me and it made me realize that I had missed out on something so good for many years and I am no longer turning back. The journey that I was starting might not be easy, but it is the only journey that will give me true joy.

It has almost been a year and I am no longer turning back. I've never been more fulfilled all my life :)

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