Frequently Asked Questions Answered

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I just thought of the most frequently asked questions and thought of answers to them (please remember that I am no expert at this thing but I just try and I base these on my beliefs) . If you have something to add, feel free to comment! BUT IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING MEAN TO SAY, KEEP IT TO YOURSELF:)

> What is the Holy Trinity (the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit)?

-This doesn't mean that there are three Gods. We have one God but is three in one: the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit. Here is an analogy: think of your mother. She has many roles: a mom to you, a wife to her husband and a daughter to her parents. She is one person but with many roles. The Father created us and everything in this world, the Son or Jesus Christ was human and died for our sins and is now divine and the Holy Spirit lives within you and bears witness of Jesus Christ.

DO NOT think of it as: 1 + 1 + 1= 3 GODS

but rather

1× 1 × 1 =1 GOD

> Does God hate me because I am a huge sinner?

-First of all, God loves you and nothing, not even your beliefs or your actions could change that. We are all sinners but He loves all of us equally. Also, He doesn't look at sin as big or small. In His eyes, the sin of murdering someone is equal to the sin of gossiping -they both hurt Him. However, you of course have to change your ways and avoid sin. Start seeking Him and eventually, you will be set free from the struggles or the things that you are so dependent on right now because the truth is, it is only Him whom we should depend on -not pornography, not drugs, not idols, etc. but Him alone.

> Will Jesus look at my sinful past even though I am now a believer?

-It is in the bible, "Anyone who is in Christ is a new creation." Therefore, when you accept Jesus into your life, your past is now erased and you have been cleansed. Jesus died for all of us and you are of no exception. He is loving, accepting and understanding. Now, go and live your life the way God wants you to live it because your past doesn't matter anymore!

> How do you know that God exists? How come some people don't believe in Him?
-He touches your heart or lets you come across a situation in your life that will reveal Himself to you. If you are reading this and is now a believer, congratulations because you are now saved! There are people who don't believe in Him maybe because they weren't discipled or maybe because they just chose not to but there will come a time when they will believe He exists and I pray by then it will not be too late.

> If God loves us so much, why does hell exist?
-He gave us the freedom to choose and it is up to us if we choose to hold on to Him or be enslaved by evil. He gave us the freedom because He doesn't want us to be like robots. Do you think that God sends people to hell? Nope. They chose to do wrong so they're now suffering eternally.

>How do I get to know that what I am doing is not sinful?
-First, pray to God for discernment. Second, ask yourself if you are actually glorifying God with what you are doing or if you are just pleasing yourself and satisfying your selfish desires.

> What is the first step of being Jesus' follower?
-First is by acknowledging Him as your lord and savior by accepting Him into your heart.

> What is Christianity?
-For me, Christianity is my relationship to God. It is based on Christ's teachings. It won't save you, God will. I do not believe we should be divided for as long as we believe and worship the same God and accept Jesus in our hearts, then YAY!!!!! Also, being a Christian doesn't mean life is going to be really easy for you but rather, it's having the assurance that there is a God who will never leave you nor forsake you no matter what.

> What are some misconceptions about Christians/Christianity?

1. People think it's boring when it's actually soooooo fun.

2. Christianity is all about RULES AND RULES AND RULES AND RULES when nope. It's NOT. Some people make it appear like that but guess what, IT'S ALL ABOUT GOD.

3. Christians think they are better than other people when in fact, not all Christians are the same. Some "Christians" do act like that, but the Christians I know are loving people.

> Is Christ's second coming near?
-Yep. Have you not noticed the signs of times? If you want to know about some of these signs, read Matthew 24. Signs of times include wars and rumor of wars, false prophets, dieases, calamities. Of course we will never know the exact date and time because it is in the bible that the Son of Man will come the least that we expect Him like a thief in the night and that no one knows when except the Father. But before it's too late, I hope you repent. Plus, you could read about it on the Revelation.


Thanks for reading and I just answered these things according to my understanding. Please don't leave mean comments and I hope you feel awesome because you are!

P.S. Hello vanillaflowerstar! I am still on the process of writing about how to talk to others about Jesus! Thanks for giving me the idea:)

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