Eight: The Second Fight

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Valerie is now sitting here looking at her beautiful nails while Amber is on her phone. Valerie looks up and glances at Amber before focusing her attention on me.

"So, Kylie? Is it?" Valerie asks.

"Kayla." I respond bitterly.

"Okay, Kayla. How did you meet the guys again?" She asks.

"They're in my gym class at school." I respond shrugging.

Before the girls can ask anymore questions, the waiter appears with our drinks. He hands Amber and Valerie waters and hands me my ginger ale. He then sets down the 3 Pepsi's at the boys places.  

"Who's Eve?" I ask the girls. 

They look at each other, and Amber shrugs and nods at Valerie. Valerie turns towards me and takes a deep breath.

"Ok. You know that they are in a gang right?" She asks. I nod. "Well Eve, her full name was Evelyn. Was the first and only girl Mr. Walsh allowed in the gang. Mr. Walsh wanted them to take over the gang together like he did with his wife. Eve and Reece were in a very serious relationship and were planning on getting married after graduation until Reece caught Eve and his then-best friend Carson making out and broke up with her. He was absolutely devastated and his father was furious. He blamed Reece though not Eve. Eve was drunk when it all happened, so she regretted it and kept apologizing but Reece didn't forgive her. She was so heartbroken that when she was sent on a dangerous mission, she was to distracted to notice someone fire a bullet at her. Anyways she bled out and died. Reece hasn't dated since. We think he still loves her."

"Oh my god." I reply. Before Valerie can say anything else, the boys return.

They sit back down onto their chairs and take a big swig of their drinks. The waiter comes with our food about 5 minutes later. I pull out my phone to check the time, and it's seven thirty. I have one hour and a half before the fight, which means I have 45 minutes to eat, then leave. The boys and I dig into our food while the girls barely eat any of their salads. 

After we're done eating Reece motions for the check. 

"Can we split it 3 ways?" Reece asks the waiter.

After the waiter leaves, I look at Reece, "Why didn't we split it 4 ways? I can pay for myself."

"Nah I got you." Reece responds.

Amber and Val smile at each other, but quickly look down at their almost full salads. 

After paying, I hop into my car I quickly speed off to The Zone. Before going in, I slip on my fighter hoodie and black mask. Then I pull on my hood, hop out of my car and lock the doors. I head over to the clubs line and walk up to the front. People from behind me shout at me because I'm cutting, but my dad owns the place, so I can cut if I want to. 

"Hi Jimmy! It's Kai." I say to the bouncer.

"Hey Kai. Good luck at your fight tonight." Jimmy says to me. 

I walk into the club ignoring the stares from everyone and head over to the fighting ring. 

"First fight tonight will be our ex-champion Rex against another regular, Spike." The announcer yells.

I see Reece on one side of the ring, and I notice a boy in my dad's gang on the other side. Nobody knows that Kayla is Kai. Except my dad and his second and third in command. Everyone in the gang knows me as Kai. And they also don't know that my dad is my dad. Spike is 19 years old and a really good fighter. Almost as good as me. The fight starts, but I can see that Reece is winning. After about five minutes Reece has Spike on the ground and knocks him out. Ugh. Nobody messes with my gang. Especially the son of my dad's enemy.

"Who wants to fight our new champion?" The announcer asks.

Everyone looks around, but nobody steps forward. I walk towards the ring and shout.

"I will." 

Everyone looks at me smirking. I guess they weren't here when I beat his ass last time.

"Remember me Rex?" I ask Reece with an icy tone.

"Well, well if it isn't Kai. The girl fighter." He says returning the icy tone.

"You mean the girl that beat your ass last time?" I ask him arrogantly. 

His smirk turns into a frown. "Whatever. My girl Kayla, I mean this girl I know, Kayla could beat you with her eyes closed." 

Wait. Did he just call me 'his girl'? 

"Sure she could." I scoff. Oh. god.

"Fuck you." He growls.

I laugh and throw a quick punch at his jaw. 

"Enough talk." I hiss. 

I end up knocking him down and knocking him out again. Regaining my champion title. Sorry Reece. But the real puzzle, why did he call me his girl?


Edited May 13, 2021

Xoxo Maryann

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