Twenty Nine: My Own Path

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I take in a sharp breath and lower the gun. We both know, that I can't kill Reece.

"You're right. I don't want to keep fighting. You can go. But only you. If you want to see the rest of them alive, you need to convince your father to make peace with my dad." I respond.

"That is going to be difficult." He responds.

"We just need an alliance, you need to figure it out. And if you don't come back with a deal, I will kill them, one at a time. And don't even think about trying to break them out, by the time you get back, we will be gone. If you need to talk to me, you have my number." I shrug.

"Thank you Kayla. I knew you were still in there." Reece responds.

"This is not for you. I just can't stand the constant fighting. I don't care about you." I snarl while trying to push away every possible feeling I have for him.

He looks at me with disappointment as he leaves the room and heads towards the door, "How do I get out?"

"Third door to your left, there's a window. Kick it and i'll just tell everyone that you took my gun. Oh and here. Don't kill anyone I care about." I say handing him one of my many knives.

"Thank you Kayla. I will see you at school tomorrow. I will hopefully have a contract." He says smiling as he runs off. As soon as he climbs out of the window I yell,

"Tyler! He got away!" 

Tyler curses and shoots at Reece through the window.

"Let's get out of here with the others just in case he comes back ." I order.

"You're right.  We'll knock them out and bring them to the blue house." Tyler responds.

I load up a gun with knockout serum and head into the Evelyns room. Before she can protest I shoot her shoulder. I then head to Max and Lukes room and shoot them. Tyler grabs the unconscious bodies and shoves them in the backseat of his car. We speed off to another gang house and I leave immediately. I just need a break.

Once we have Max, Luke, and Evelyn secure, I decide to call an old friend of mine.


"Hey it's Kayla." I respond.

"Omg Kayla?! How are you."

"I'm great. Listen, I need advice."

"Of course, about what?"

"An alliance between rival gangs."

"Ooo a toughy. Umm I would say meet with the leaders and the 2end in commands and heirs. Civil meeting. Nothing dangerous or threatening. Have a contract already made up. Don't forget the fine print hon."

"Thanks Jayden. How's Boston?"

"It's great actually. Life couldn't get better. So much excitement."

"I'm glad. Listen I gotta go Jay but we'll chat later."

"Bye boo."


I hang up my phone and smile to myself. I met Jayden a few years back when we were both 15. She's in the biggest gang in Boston and I met her on one of my fighting tours. I miss her so much and hope I can see her soon. Anyways to the contract.

I sit down in my room and pull out my computer. Breathe Kayla. It's just a contract. After hours of pouring through legal documents, I finally finish typing it up and head directly to sleep. 

After I wake up and get ready I make sure to  shove the contract I made last night in my bag and run out of my room. I'm ready for school even though I haven't been there for a while. I straighten out my white crop top and adjust the belt on my jean shorts. I look like a hot mess. I woke up late this morning so I just threw my hair up in whatever it's in so I could rush downstairs. I don't have time for breakfast so I just head out the door. I hop into motorcycle and speed to school. Reece better be there with his agreements. When I get to school I park and head inside. I spot Reece standing by my locker with Siera gabbing his ear off. I take a deep breath and head over.

"Hi Reece ." I say in a cheery tone.

Siera scowls at me but for once keeps her mouth shut.

"See you later Reecy." She coos before leaving.

"Tonight come to this address with your father and be prepared to discuss arrangements. No weapons allowed. No guards or backup. Do we have a deal? Oh and if you think about breaking that deal I will have Tyler on speaker and if anything happens you will never see Luke, Max, and Evelyn again."

"Deal. What time?" He responds.


"We will be there." He says before heading off to class.


Edited December 31, 2022

Xoxo Mary Ann

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