Seven: The Girls

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"You have a strong punch." A voice says from beside me. I look over and see Reece.

"How's your jaw." I reply with a smirk.

"Funny." He responds sarcastically. 

"You should come to this place called The Zone tonight. There's street fights every weekend. I fight, and sometimes this girl fighter named Kai fights. She's pretty good. Maybe you could fight her." He says.

Uh oh this isn't good, like at all. I have to make an excuse.

"Sorry I can't, I heard about The Zone, and it's not a good place to be." I say giving my best excuse.

"Yeah okay." He responds suspiciously.

We continue to practice and workout. WhenI felt my shoulder aching, I knew it was time to stop. I grab an orange Gatorade from the small fridge near the front and take a gulp. I then check the time on my phone. 5pm. I have to get something for dinner, and then head to my fight tonight.

"Hey guys, wanna grab something to eat?" I ask them.

"Yeah sure, I have plans with a few people I know so if it's cool, I'll have them meet us?" Max asks me.

I nod and check my phone for nearby restaurants.

"Ok guys, we can go to Mariposa, Boston Pizza, or Montanas." I say to the boys.

"Mariposa!" Max yells.

"Boston Pizza." Luke says with a bored expression.

"Montanas" Reece says.

"Well, since I'm the tie-breaker, I think we are gonna go to Montana's." I say smiling.

The 2 other boys groan as we head to the parking lot. They all look at my white Lamborghini in awe.

"Whose car is this?" Reece asks.

"It's mine. And if you touch my baby, I will kill you." I say to him with an innocent smile. 

I smile and hop into my car. I quickly chuck my fighter hoodie and mask in the back, and cover them with blankets just in case.

"Reece, where's your bike?" I ask him, noticing that the other boys are on theirs." I ask him.

"Oh, I was going to hop on Luke or Max's bike, but since you offered, I will go with you in your nice car." He says stroking my cars hood.

He climbs in and buckles up, and motions for me to drive. I shake my head laughing and speed off to Montana's. The car ride was silent, but when we get to the restaurant, Reece hops out and runs inside. I laugh and lock my car and follow him. When I get inside, Reece is nowhere to be seen. Then I hear my name.

"Kayla! Over here!" Max yells from a nearby table. I laugh and notice that all three guys are there, but there are also two girls there. One has dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She looks like a typical basic bitch, she looks over at me with a glare. The other girl has bright red hair that is slightly wavy and big green eyes. She looks so happy and carefree. She lets off a better vibe than the other girl. 

"I'm Valerie, Max's girlfriend. But you can call me Val." The blonde says, extending her hand for me to shake. I notice that her hands are perfectly moisturized and her nails are perfectly painted a light shade of violet. Unlike mine that are dry and cracked with bruises from fighting. She looks at my hands, kinda disgusted but shakes anyways. With a fake smile on my face, I shake her hand.

"And I'm Amber," the redhead says with a bright smile, "I'm Luke's umm, I'm Luke's friend."

"I'm Kayla." I say with a big fake smile as I sit down between the two girls. The boys are engaged in their own conversation that they don't notice Valerie grilling me.

"So Kayla, are you and Reece a thing?" Valerie asks me.

"Um no." I say kinda surprised she asked that.

"Oh. It's really too bad. I mean ever since Eve and him broke up, he hasn't had a relationship since." Valeria rambles.

I roll my eyes and turn my attention to the other girl sitting next to me. 

"So Amber, how do you know Luke?" 

"Well, I go to the neighboring high school, and Val and I are on the cheer squad. We were at Starbucks when we met Max and Luke. Val and Max have been dating for a month and a half, and Luke and I have been on a few dates, but nothing is official yet." She says smiling. "How about you?"

"Oh. Well I've been online schooled since last week, actually, the guys are in a few of my classes and I've gotten to know them over the last few days." 

They nod as the waiter comes to take our orders.

The guys order their food and I order mine right after. Amber starts speaking but Valerie immediately interrupts her and orders salads for both of them. When we finish ordering, Reece's phone rings, and he checks the caller ID and frowns. He motions for the guys to follow him and whispers to us, "Back in a few." Before pulling the guys away.

The girls start talking to each other about random things I don't know much about. It doesn't matter to me because I am focused on the boys across the room. I can't hear what they're saying, but I can tell that the conversation is getting intense. Reece seems to be yelling at Max and Max is yelling back while  Luke stands there silently with a worried look in his face.


Edited May 13, 2021

Xoxo Maryann

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