"Where've you been?" I ask him as he sits at the empty chair beside me, taking the bottle and tipping it in his mouth. 

"I just had to take care of some things." he says, leaning his head at the back of the chair, as if tired or troubled.

"Are you ok?"

"Yup!" He turns his head to the side to face me. "Never better." 

"You look tired, though. You should go sleep."



"I know you don't want to meet my dad just yet, but....he's inviting us for dinner at his house the day after tomorrow." He sounds worried.

I take a deep breath. His family would soon be my family. I would be facing them sooner or later anyway. "Sure." I say.

"Thanks," he smiles and takes my hand. 

His hand is rather cold and it's shaking. "Why are your hands shaking?" I ask him, taking the other to see it doing the same thing.

He pulls it away quickly, "Nothing," he says, putting his hands in the pockets of his jacket. 

I furrow by brows at him.

"It's nothing. OK?" He insists and I just nod. 

Aside from his wicked mind, I sense something else he's hiding. I brush it off as I go to sleep. 

In the morning, I wake up especially early to get ready to meet my parents. Lei and I have talked about what we're gonna say to make them not suspect anything. I insisted on telling a lie about how we got back together. So, we told them that Lei came to Korea for me and I fell for him. They seem to buy it.  

My mother hugs me goodbye as we leave the house. I don't want to show her my tears so, for the duration of our visit, I tried to paste a smile on my face. 

I just want to slowly accept this fate of mine. The world has already given me a taste of everything good. It's high time I give back what I received. 

Lei and I get in the backseat of the car and let the driver take us home. Yes. Home! Lei's home that would soon also be mine. 

As we reach the gate, I see an all too familiar boy running towards the car, calling my name. MARK! What's he doing here? I can't move. My eyes are glued to him as he nears. Only when Lei moves beside me that my muscles react. I pull him back in the car when I see him open the door. 

"Let's just go." I whisper. I don't want any trouble. Mark and his men are clearly outnumbered. 

Lei's expression is full of rage as he puffs and leans back on the seat. When we get to the front of the house, I turn around and see Mark at the gate, holding the bars and calling me. 

My heart tells me to run to him but my mind stops my body from doing so. Lei's hand quickly grabs my wrist and pulls me towards the door. He drags me behind him hard that I almost tripped on the stoop. I know he's really mad. "Lei," I say, "you're hurting me." I try to pry my arm away from his grip but he opens the door and throws me inside. I stumble on the floor as the door closes behind me. 

A maid helps me to my feet and dusts my dress. "Are you okay, miss?"

"Lei," I shout. I try to turn the knob to open the door but one of his men stops me. 

"No, Miss. It would be better if you just stay here." 

"What is he gonna do to Mark?" I ask nervously, but he doesn't answer. I quickly run up the stairs to my room. I am supposed to go out the veranda but the man stops me again. He shakes his head while gripping the now-blue wrist of mine. "Let go of me," I yell.

I Love You, But I Lied - Mark Tuan and Got7 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now