Chapter 15

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"So Kellin.... What are your hobbies?" Asks Jaime once we were all sitting in the living room.

"Well, um I like...... Turtles?" I question awkwardly. Vic laughs and draw circles on my hips.

Tony immediately perks up at this. "I like him already." I laugh and mutter a small thanks.

"Hmmm What are your intentions with Vic?" Mike asks.

I squish Vic's face in between my hands. "He shall be my squishy, my only squishy and I shall call him mine." I squish his face in every different angle possible, giving him a short kiss on the lips. The guys all laugh and Vic shoots me a smile.

"You guys are adorable." Jaime said and I blushed. "Thanks," I said and he smiled. "So when do you have to go back?" They asked and I shrugged "In a week but I don't want to leave I am having too much fun." I said and they smiled.

"I don't want you to leave either darling." Vic said kissing me making the guys gag. "Eww we saw enough of that earlier." Tony said and all the guys laughed meanwhile Vic and I blushed. We finally made it to the bowling place and we all got out of the car. We walked together Vic and I hand in hand. I looked around and it was pretty cool, there was also an arcade on the right side while the left side was a little restaurant type of thing and the middle was where you bowl.

I wasn't that good at bowling but I'll manage, we got our shoes before getting our bowling balls. I went first and I missed completely. All the guys laughed at me and I just gave them the finger. Vic went next and he knocked all the pins down. They guys cheered and then went Mike.

Once we finished the game I was in last place so I had to pay for all the meals. I don't know why I had to make a bet since I knew I was going to lose. Vic offered to help me pay but I declined nicely. We all got the same thing burger and fries.

I really do enjoy hanging with the guys since at home I don't really do much. Vic is really lucky to live here, we decided to go play in the arcade so we bought some coins before going our different ways and playing different games. I went with Vic since I didn't want to be alone. We continued playing games and ended up getting a lot of tickets so Vic got me a huge teddy bear.

I am really going to enjoy my stay here.

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