Chapter 2

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Written by: Actually_Kelah_

Vic: Kellin I don't want us to be oveerrr

Vic: Kellic is love Kellic is life.

Vic: What about Beatus and Pablo???

Vic: You're my baby mama Kellin.

Looking at all the messages Vic has sent me is hilarious. I swear he makes me laugh like no one has and its amazing.

He's amazing.

And that selfie he sent me not to long ago. Damnnnnnn.

I'd tap that.

I continue to read the messages that Vic keeps texting me when I hear a knock on the door. I glance up at the door and turn my phone off.

"Come in." I yell and my parents walk in. A look of sympathy shows on their face. My mom walks over and sits on my bed, flattening out her skirt. While my dad just stood at the door, his gaze going from sympathy to blank.

"Kellin, honey." My mom says. I nod telling her to continue. "We're afraid we can't take you on the trip with us." She says staring at her feet.

"What?" I stared at her in disbelief.
"Something went wrong, and they thought we only bought two tickets." It was my dad that spoke this time.

Are you kidding me? "Why couldn't you tell them you bought three?" I asked with a blank look on my face. "Can't you get a refund and stay here with me? You know I don't like staying here alone!" I say raising my voice.

Last time I stayed here by myself I heard noises. Not good noises either.

"Kellin, we're sorry, really we are, but it takes days to get a ticket printed out and they are not refundable so we have to go." My mom says while resting a hand on my shoulder.

"I've waited 3 whole months for this trip and now I can't even go?!" By this point I'm yelling. I'm furious. I've been waiting forever to go and now I have to stay home! Ughhhhh...

"Kellin its not our fault." My mom says.
"You're right its not your fault, but we're basically loaded, you can throw those tickets out! It won't even matter! It didn't even put a dent in the money!" I know I sounded like a spoiled brat, but I've been working so hard to go on the trip, now I won't be going at all.

"Enough! You do not yell at your mother again! We're going and that's final!" My dad shouted before going over to mom and practically dragging her out the room while she mutters "Oww Sweetie you're hurting me."

But I didn't see him even let go.

Sighing I go back onto my phone and send Vic a text.

Kellin: Guess who's not going on the trip?

Vic: Oprah?

Kellin: Dafuq?! No I'm not going.

Vic: Tell daddy all about it.

Vic: Wait never mind, that sounded weird.

Kellin: Vic, you have a daddy kink?😏

Vic: What? Eww No shut the fuck up lol

Kellin: Denial isn't just another river in Egypt Vic.

Vic: Dude, ate you my grandma? That joke was so old.

Why does he always mess up on that word? If you ask me, I think Vic was trying to tell me something.


Kellin: Dude learn how to speel.


Vic: hhhmmmhhhh, yelp this chat has been nice, but its late and I'm tired Goodnight Kells :3

I blush at the nickname. Kells. Its wayyyy better than victurd. Hehehe Victurd.

Kellin: Late? But its only noon.

Vic: Kells, I live in San Diego.

Kellin: Ohhhh that's far from Michigan I think.

Vic: Yeah yeah whatever you say goodnight :3

Kellin:Goodnight ;)

Vic: Oh yeah and Kellin?

Kellin: Yeah Vic?

Vic: Kellics back together ;)

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